Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Savage Tide/ Exp to the Demonweb Pits: ECL 8 Malachi Omen "Cocotona": Olman ranger 2, fighter 3, human paragon 3: Entry 1

...Awakened by resonant footsteps I rise with greatbow in hand. Only an outsider would make such noise. Surely death will be quick to follow such foolishness. This is my home and all die here without knowing her secrets. For this is the Isle Of Dread... Quietly I track the offenders to warn or kill in defence of my dwindling homeland. I happen upon a small calpolli (A tototl with trumpet, a michin, a huge tecuani, and a cuauhtla cihuatl with a great living atiacuihuayan, and many macehualli). I imagine a trophy made from the winged one and allmost miss what is following them. Before the tlacatecolotl tecuani apes descend upon the party I let loose a volley that takes the life of one demon. All fought bravely and the other beasts were soon captured or destroyed. I deceide to join their calpolli and befriend this powerful group for the betterment of the Olman people... Weeks I've traveled with the once foolish five and their weakling entourage. The quest is to deliver the meek somewhere. I care not so long as baneful creatures fall to my bow. My cause is to carve out a place fit for my people whever I go. To turn foul best from the path of life is my test. To perfect my skill and craft with my weapon is my lust... Our last venture took us into a cursed place of great stone pillars. Inside we killed an army of tainted apes and found great treasure. Eventually we came unto a great magical portal of glass and steel. Following the group I make my way through last and that is the last memory I have of my homeland... I find myself in a barren land of sand and stone and spider. I know not where my new companions went for I stand alone here. Days I travel without water or shelter until I find the nothingness of delirium. I prepare for the after and a place with the sacred dead... Yet I live... I wake to find myself in some rolling cage enslaved by foul creatures and thier spider minions. Taking my life my only option if not for the angel I am caged with. Her care and most of the meager rations given us brings me from the precipice of death. In visions I dream of her and the whispered name Aleanna. This sleep lasts for days...Finally whole and ludcid I must somehow find our freedom... Our love grows and in the dark I show her my fully regained health. Her skin tingles with magic as we come together... My merciful angel Aleanna... We nearly arive town and the auction house nears when our captors are beset by a band of adventurers (another winged something, a holy warrior, a knight, and a small person). Thankfully they win out and relinquish our freedom. I swear a blood bond to aid them until I return their lives three times over. A simple question is asked of me "Do You care to join us in the Abyss". I look to my new found love we exchange nods and turn back to grin in answer... So far the Demonweb Pits have lived up to expectation. In the short time we have been here many foes have fallen. My bow has put many creatures to the path including venomous spider the size of boulders, some foul beasts called sporebats, a spider at home in magma, and even a couple of minor demons. All of this to return a holy warrior his grace. Our quest matters not. Just to stand with this group even against death itself would stir my spirit...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Savage Tide: ECL 9 Tuaca half-fey phanaton spellthief 6, cleric 1: entry 1

It wouldn't come off.

Two nights in a row, now, I've dreamed it. The troglodyte king's murder. And as they chop his smiling head off, the blood splatters across me. I wasn't even there! And I will wear that forever.

Stupid lady.

Stupid town. It should fall back into the sea, or be eaten by the jungle. They've outgrown themselves. They've decided they don't want a place in the world - they want everyone else's place too. And their blood is on me. The orca guy doesn't seem to mind as much. He says it is the law of nature. The strong over the weak. I guess I believe that, but that doesn't feel like what happened. When our little scouting party saw the troglodytes in the banana field, it was a battle over resources. Us versus them. But then I go and use my charm on the leader. And everything went wrong. I thought it would be a great way to stop the fighting. And it was. I guess the problem was it worked too good. As long as the king stayed under the effects of the charm, he was willing to not just stop the fighting, but stop the war between his people and the humans in the city. Not one other person in our group seemed to think so, tho. We argued about it, and came to no conclusion. We even took the Trog king to the city gates to talk with the human leaders (against his and my better judgement) and nobody said anything but "Kill him. Kill them all."

Kill the "others".

Sure I don't like the Trogs. They are violent and stupid. And GODS do they stink. Oh such a stink they make. But killing one who has been rendered helpless and friendly. Helpless by whose magic? By MY magic. The humans wanted no part of a truce. They want no part of sharing the land they think they own with "others." So they demanded we take the King back to his tribe and execute him in front of them.

The Orca says law of nature. I don't think so Death in battle, yes. Death because the humans don't want to share, so their city tells them to kill the (temporarily) helpless? I won't do that. I won't do anything this city asks me to. Not any more. They are getting ready for a pirate attack. The pirates want the town's gold, I guess. Well, survival of the fittest, right? I am not part of this city. I don't feel welcome. And I will feel no loss if they lose.

A tribe of Phanatons from the south of the the Isle of Dread (a stupid name for the Land, that of course, the humans came up with) are supposed to join the city to help fight the pirates. I have half a mind to sneak a boat and cut them off, telling them not to bother - half these humans already see the tribe as a nuisance and could likely turn on them once the bigger threat is gone. I see nothing here anymore that would make me feel differently. In any case, I will be leaving the city when the battle is over. Either with the Phanaton tribe back to their lands, or with the orca if I can convince him to take to the seas once more. That might not take much. He spends more time on his boat - even while docked - than just about anyone else. I just hope he takes all the other ships with him. This settlement doesn't need a fleet to tempt them to try conquering other lands they think they deserve.

I've never been on the open ocean before. I must admit the thought frightens me some. But my place isn't here.

I am an "other."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Savage Tide: ECL 8 Bartholomew Grundy human rogue 7 / legendary captain 1: Entry 2

We've retrieved the Kraken's Claw. I'm glad enough to be back in port and with our numbers bolstered, but I'm bound to commit some strange events which happened afore, lest I deny our accomplishments.

The medicine man did some ritual to conjure wind into our sails. I worried the men would have no part of it, but it seems they've decided he's on the good side of the sea. Well enough, as it got us there twice as soon.

First thing we sighted, halfway along, was an ebony pillar jutting up from the surface of the water, like a great, terrible headstone. If that weren't enough to tell you my dislike of it, then read on, as we came back to it later. On the leg up, we only let the witch fly out to it and he came back with naught but vague and ill omens. I was unsurprised.

It was smooth from there, and even as we approached the wreck, I thought we'd sight more of the same that brought her down, but all was quiet. Then, we set foot upon the boat, and out of the water rose a thunder lizard with a demon on his back commanding him. It might have finished us alone, but I spotted an eel biting at its nethers, and I took the chance to pierce its brain while it were distracted.

The medicine man surprised me before when he took a deep breath and blew a gale what knocked that demon off its mount. Now, though, it swam into my hold through the break in the side. That weren't to be had, so we all ran down there to face it. Again we may have been finished, aye and Long Bob were wounded but not mortally, but for that eel who followed it over, and then again a shark whose distraction gave me the opening to finish her.

Then it were quiet again. I set the men to repairs, and all were surprised to find them done by day's end. We celebrated as we could. I asked that Olman, who I've come to call Nock as his name is strange, why those fish were drawn to our fight. He just gave the same strange look I'm accustoming to. I thank the gods either way, and specifically those of the sea.

Then we sailed back, and for the blessing of his wind, we set the medicine man on a launch roped between both vessels. My companions insisted upon me that we go back to check that awful headstone we sighted before, so we did, though I half expected the writing on it to change to show the names of all on board when we neared it. We made it away without event, though I'm told that the thing is older than time, and probably were made by the gods themselves. Good riddance, I say. It's our place to leave be.

Now we've returned to Farshore just in time to see an election. Seems the horseman's uncle, probably another horse-loving fop, has been challenging her grace the Lady Vanderboren's decisions. Now, I'm all for beasts of burden, but they and their offspring have no say in a port under attack. They held a vote then and there, which ended in a tie.

And now we've been gone a week and all the problems in the town before seem to have grown unmanageable. So I set myself to recruiting for the local militia. I make sure to talk about the upcoming revote with each man, and too I'm keeping a list of those promising potentiates who don't care for duty on land, as they may soon be called to duty at sea. All were glad to hear the tales of what we've done so far, and I think I may have inspired a few of them.

Maure Castle: ECL 12 Sebejias Vickit svirfneblin illusionist 3 / master illusionist 6: Entry 1

Savage Tide: ECL 8 Ichigoya orc spirit shaman 8: Entry 1



私の新しい仲間が遅い私を受け入れていた。 1つの尾がある場合、私は知って要求した。




























Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Savage Tide: ECL 7 Bartholomew Grundy human rogue 7: Entry 1

There was a commotion at manor Vanderboren today. I'm told some swampfolk came and held her grace the Lady Vanderboren hostage. Fair enough, though; these recent hires of hers came and cleaned it all up nicely. Moreover, I heard they'd just come back from Kraken's Cove. That takes panache.

What with the captain's disappearance, I naturally had little better to do, and far worse if I didn't pick up roots, so I signed up with Vanderboren's little company. And what she pays! You'd hardly believe I was just a deckhand for Mulholland last week, the way I'll be swindling her. It gets better, though. Down in Kraken's Cove, it seems they'd found a seaworthy vessel, minding the claw marks, of course. And they just left it there.

Naught but one in the lot seems to know the first thing about a sailing ship, so I'm ready to play the hero, but the savvy one with the long name has already got it in his mind to reclaim it, and hired a bunch of professionals to do the job. Of course, I had my doubts, but with these swabs I ended up as little better than a tagalong. Get the boat they did, and sailed out of Kraken's Cove without even breaking a sweat. I believe they could've done it asleep. At this point, I'd believe it if I were told they could sail into a hurricane and out again, nets full of fish and gold coins. Not much for conversation, though, and clearly no heads for business, desperate as they were to take what he's paying them, despite being easily the plain best sailors at least that I've ever seen, and maybe in the entire world.

With that in mind, I convinced Long Bob to hire them for a few months, and we set up a little escort service for merchants and so forth out of Sasserine. Somehow, we didn't make much more than to cover the pay for those damn hires, but then I met Amella. She was smitten instantly by my natural charm, though I can't say as I disliked her even a bit, in turn. I believe we're in agreement that there's a dearth of old-fashioned sailors in this part of the world…though that's not all we agree on.

It's been a little while since then. The Lady Vanderboren's got us bringing some settlers far to the south, to a settlement on the "Isle of Dread". Surely it can't be that bad? You're liable to frighten the crew, calling it like that. I guess it doesn't matter much, as Long Bob's crew wouldn't be frightened by the same sort of things as frighten a typical sailor.

Her Grace is sailing with us as well, on her own personal ship, though for some reason there's a few folk she'd rather were on ours. One of them brought his horse. I suppose if she's unhappy with us, I'd rather this than less pay.

We stopped at Fort Blackwell, and I'm told I died. It's hard to remember it exactly like that, seeing as I'm not dead, but it's hard to remember much of what happened at all, when it comes down to it. Either way, I figure I owe something to the baroness here, who had me brought back, as thanks for my "valiant defense" of the place. If I did die, then I can't believe my help was so valuable. I'll send something back her way if I can.
It's been another while. Now that we're out of sight of land, I've remembered this journal. A few happenings of note since then, too.

A few of our men escorted the gnomish guide into a ruins on our route. I don't care to know what happened there. Half of them came back statues, and the witch doctor came back an orc. Strange enough, but he was a monkey before.

We came briefly to Fort Greenrock, which was completely razed. I think they decided it was lizardfolk responsible. Couldn't find them, though, they'd been gone for weeks.

Most important, though, Amella and I are man and wife. Not in that order, mind you. A long voyage like this can draw people closer together, and it did. When we came to the Olman's island Renkrue, everything seemed to fall together in a way I can hardly explain.

It nearly got away from us, though. That horse-loving fop decided to prove he loved other things; specifically the chief's daughter. I managed to smooth things over by gifting the chief with the horse. Everybody's happy. Everybody who counts.

This journal ends here.
A second journal continues on the next page.

With this line I open my new journal in the relative comfort of Farshore. The last one was lost at sea. I might endeavor to remember some of the old one to this sometime, but there's no time now.

Since that tumultuous time, our ship's health were threatened on three occasions. First, we were seperated from our employer, her grace the Lady Vanderboren, in a terrible storm. We were instructed to continue alone, which we did. Then, our ship found herself mired in a sargasso. I don't pretend to understand the biology of monsters, but as near as I can tell, the whole thing was alive and wished us ill.

The final event took the life of Kraken's Claw. As we neared our destination, the all-too-ominous Isle of Dread, another storm rose and dashed her on a reef, where it happened that sea monsters made their lair.

We survived, however, and too we survived the hundreds-miles-long trek across the island to Farshore, though I barely know how. I am continually in awe of the skill of these folk whose company I have been fated with. A group of ordinary men like me would not have stood a chance against the local fauna, most of which is at least twice as large if not twice again as that back home.

We briefly lost the gnome in a cursed wood. He was taken by monkeys, and I will say again, they were big ones. If he weren't an orc, I might mistrust our witch doctor, and maybe a part of me still does. But I doubt he has anything to do with these, which I am told are not really monkeys at all, but fiends. We invaded their temple and retrieved the gnome, all of which is a bit of a blur to me.

Finally, we find ourselves in our long-sought destination: Farshore, a village under attack by pirates. Though it's hard to believe, it's not always that way. From the look of it, they were able to leisurely stroll into the port and begin ransacking the place.

We strolled in likewise and killed the dogs, or most of them. I personally stuck their captain through the throat; a bad move, in hindsight, as he hadn't shared much with his crew. I could have guessed this, but at the time, I wondered if he'd ever stay down quietly while he yet lived, having once or twice already stood back up with what we'd thought were mortal wounds. He has my respect.

Now we're left with a town to defend, a few captive boucaniers, and their ship. One of those prisoners has already helped us, and it seems he'll continue to do so. The boat, on the other hand, has been claimed by Farshore's government muckabouts. Long Bob's been whining and fretting about that for a while. As we fought off the pirates who owned the boat, it should be ours, says he. I agree but for one: I says it already is, whether they know it or not.

So I spent the rest of the day a bit more productively. The common men in this town were a bit happier to see me than their lords. I was easily able to put together a crew, and some of them even know how to fire a ballista properly.

Tomorrow, we'll set sail to retrieve the Kraken's Claw, and it's under that pretense that we'll "borrow" the pirate's ship. By the time they realize they owe us the boat anyway, it won't matter anymore.

One other thing to 'ware: as I were recruiting, I caught the attention of this Olman creeper. He asked if he might join as well. I think he's a magician of some sort, and he's definitely got an odd enough manner, if not odder. A ship can use a mage, though, so I took him on with some reservation. Here's hoping I don't regret it.

Exp to the Demonweb Pits: ECL 9 Fastleaf whisper gnome druid 9: Entry 1

We've been walking for hours inside the strands of this huge web. We came to a big door that we had to open with our own blood.It was only open for a little bit so we all push on it and my friend Echo said that he was going to let go of the door so I ran to the other side. On the other side was a desert plateau and the door shut behind us we looked all around the side. I saw 20 people in robes, some caring a sedan. On that sedan was a seven foot tall drow it said some thing in a language I didn't understand. But I think it said stop becuase the four people stoped and the drow walked to me and grabed my head with her two fingers turned my head left then right. The people put us in shackles and we began to walk. Then Halaliel (my angel friend) and Iris (she is a petal) showed up and starts speaking to them in some weird language. Then Iris flew ovre and got in a jar while the drows guards let me and my friends go. Halaliel said that they had agreed on a trade, me for Iris! Next thing I know the drow lady exploded into pieces and Iris comes flying up to us saying something about Faerie Fire and all upset. Then we figured out how to get back through the door that wasn't there but really was. We had to cast Web in order to get through the door, how bizzare...

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This blog is for posting your PCs journal.
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Please use the following format in the Title of your post:
Campaign: ECL Character Name race class level: Journal Entry Number

For example, one might look like this:
Heart of Nightfang Spire: ECL 10 Shushan Turanis lesser fey'ri marshal 1, truenamer 9: Entry 1

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Some campaigns that may be posted right now include:
World's Largest Dungeon

Inactive/Previous Games:
Savage Tide
Expedition to the Demonweb Pits
(post as Exp to the Demonweb Pits)
Maure Castle
Heart of Nightfang Spire
The Coming Storm
Barrow of the Forgotten King