Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Sunday, April 3, 2016

RTEL: ECL 7 Ozric Inaskari Wild Mage 7: Journal Entry 3

To my dearest Lover,

I still miss you! I don't know what hold you have over me, but its supernatural! I brought with me today two new members to the group to help find you and protect you! One is a Half-Orc Paladin and the other is a Human Monk Healer. They are an interesting addition for sure! So we didn't have enough robes of the cult we are researching to give everyone one, so the two new members had to pretend to be bound. That didn't go as planned, as the Human ran from us and the Giant Bug had to chase after his 'captive'. The Human just blindly ran around the corner and fell off the cliff into the water 50' below! Well anyways after bringing him back up, we pressed forward a bit more. I can sometimes get a faint aroma of your presence nearby. Oh how much I miss you!.
After a bit of walking we found some mephitis, similar to what my familiars are. However, they didn't want to listen to reason and just attacked us. So we banished them to the outer realm where they belonged.
Well my dearest, I am out to search for you again!
Truly yours,