Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Monday, December 29, 2014

DM Entry: 1 Day vs 24 hours

Why do some effects describe their duration in multiples of 24-hour units and others in multiples of 1-day units?

This seems to say the same thing. But actually there is a distinction.

Any item, spell, or effect described with a duration in days (such as "charges per day") counts the day beginning at dawn each day. Rules Compendium page 86

If you have an item with 3 charges per day, it renews its charges each day at dawn.

A spell that lasts 3 days will end at the 3rd dawn after casting.

Items, spells, and effects that have a duration listed as "24 hours" or some multiple thereof last only that many hours before the effect expires, counted from the time of activation, regardless of the actual time of day.

So a spell that lasts "24 hours per level" cast by a 3rd level caster that's cast at 4pm will end at 4pm 72 hours (or 3 days) later.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Goldmaul fighter-exo2cursader4/ECL5- journel.

we awoke to a large grassy mat cover the entire sea, turns out a foul creature lies at the center of this evil trap. now we must journey there to find a way to release the ship. Every incursion off the boat has lead to death of a crewmen, I hope not this time...

Savage Tide : ECL 5 Cayo Topa olman human necromancer 5: journal entry 2

   I feel as though I am hated by certain members of the Sea Wyvern.  My skeletons are a "curse" or "bad luck" to some of the people on the boat. The ranger curses me and my skeletons underneath his breath.
   Anyway, I lost seven of my skeletons today. But that was what they were made for. Although the ranger thinks it's their fault for Babafemi dieing and for him almost dieing as well. That makes no sense to me. That's like saying, he's a ranger because a duck quacks because the moon is white.

Savage Tide: ECL 7 Davrin Fel human Ranger 1, Fighter 4, Deepwood Sniper 2: Blog 3

A ragged banner atop a small pile of rocks flutters softly in the breeze--an
ancient reminder of the many these plains have claimed. A man dressed in
the dark green of a Ranger's cloak crouches in the shadows beside it,
peering across the plains in front of him.   Alone, with naught but the few
circling hawks and various traces of their almost invisible prey, he surveys
the land, sharp eyes missing nothing--not even the bare ghost of dust at
the bare edge of the horizon. Damn! I thought those damned robed 
bastards said that they'd protected us from scrying...Lying little wax-
eaters...Ah well, can't be helped.As he turns back to go into the forest
bordering the plains, a woman seemingly separates herself from the tree.
"Damn, I hate it when you sneak up on me like that," he says.
"Well, perhaps you should've paid more attention to the forest," is her swift
Continuing towards the forest, he smiles at her and says "isn't that what
you're here for?"
"What if I'd decided to sleep in, just a little? You know how hard it is to
sleep on the road..." She smirks right back at him, and walks beside him into
the forest. "I take it you saw it too?"
"And what would you say they're going to do now, pup?"
He grimaces as she says this--he hates it when she calls him pup.
"My guess is that they'll abandon any pretense of stealth now and make a
stand in the plain...They won't want to fight us here in the forest, where we
have the advantage."
"Right....Anything else?"
"They'll also attempt to burn the edges of the forest, to make it difficult for
us..Possibly dispatch a few assassins for our mages, but our counter-
agents should be able to handle them." They are well into the forest now,
and the slight smell of a camp cookfire wends its way twixt the trees
towards them.
"There's my apprentice. I knew there was a reason I took you in when you
showed up at Enlistment. I'll tell the Head. You go get yourself some food,
you've earned it--this time at least." The last is said with a smirk as they
enter the camp proper and she splits off from him towards a large tent with
several pennants on its poles.

----Blood covers his hands, then his feet. Next he is swimming in it....He can
hear the woman scream "No, Davrin!" A voice he identifies as the Battle
Prince roars at him "Traitor, be cursed!" The sea of blood covers him, and
he is swept 'neath its sanguine swells, clawing and fighting for the

Davrin awakes, slick with a sheen of sweat, with a knife in one hand, and
the other holding the cabin boy against a bulkhead by his throat. The boy's
eyes are wide with terror, and a strong odor of urine is present...He releases
his hold on the boy's throat and says "Get me a fucking drink, and tell that
damn cook to dredge up that slimy dog shit he called stew." The boy just
stares at him, while rubbing his throat. "NOW!!" Davrin roars, and the boy
scampers wildly away from him, as though he were daemon possessed. As
he watches the boy run wildly out the cabin door, he feels a familiar hand
on his shoulder..."Easy now, remember when you were that young? I'm sure
I would've damn near shit and pissed myself had that happened..." Davrin
laughs aloud, "I'm pretty fuckin' sure I would have as well...Ah, Saerwyn,
where have you been all these years?" Turning as he says this, Davrin
finds himself talking to empty air...Visions of corpse-covered, blood-soaked
plains come rushing back, and Davrin  folds over, his stomach betraying
him. Fuck, I'm better than this. I told them it wasn't my fault! Gods above, 
why must I still be made to suffer for this? His innards seemingly decide
against inverting themselves,and as the retching slows,  he heads towards
the cabin door--hoping that fresh air might cure what time seems unable to.
You know, that scholar might be able to help me...As much as I hate those 
 candle-fuckers, I was once one of them...This one also seems nosier than 
most, mayhap he's found some reference to what happened. Knowing
the boy is long gone, Davrin heads below decks, towards the sleeping
quarters of the Archivist...As he draws near, he pauses, trying to figure out
how to present the issue..What the hell are you doing? This isn't like 
you...Just bang on the damn door! Wake the fucker up! No. Wake him 
up in the middle of the night with a story about some fucked-up gore-filled 
story that you don't even know how it happened? I'm crazy! Davrin
turns, about to go, until the door creaks, and  the Archivist pokes his head
out..."Davrin? The hell? I thought you--Never mind, what do you want?"
"I need to talk to you about something..."
"Can't it wait until morning? I'm rather....occupied right now."
"....Fuck, I don't know...Why not..."
The door closes, and Davrin is left standing out in the hall...Turning, he
climbs the stairs towards the upper decks, brushing past the captain as he
does so.

---Leaving the Island---
We've gotten a new "friend" today...At least that's what the others call
him..I don't know if it's the skeletons he calls his "friends," or the aura of
overall ineptitude and naivete around him, but I'm not so ready to trust
him...They say necromancers are part of the culture around there, but as far
as I'm concerned, I'd rather their "culture" stayed in the damn ground.

--4 days from the Island--
Saw a flight of Sea Wyverns, after which the ship is named, today. Not
much else....

--5 days after the Island--
That fucking gnome draws better than he navigates...Why the hell is he the
head navigator?

--12 days after the island--
I love this gnome....First, he gets us lost, then gets us back on course...and
loses us AGAIN, along the course HE CHARTED...then, to top it all off, the
fucking bastard "navigates" us right into a damn storm, and Lavinia is
gone. Gone. What the hell? No fucking idea where.

--14 Days after the island--
2 Weeks since I stopped drinking...Hopefully I'll be alright this time.

--15 Days after the island--
It happened again. Same dream, same ending....Tried to talk to the Scholar,
but I...it pains me to write this...I didn't have the damned balls to do it....

--Morning of the 16 Day--
That fucking archivist, he told me he'd help and now he's gone and locked
himself in his cabin...Saying that all his instruments point to death, doom
and destruction....

--17th Day--
Well, we're fucked. The ship ran into this shit the sailors are calling
Sargasso...All I can tell is that anything and everything we do will be for
naught. The ship is doomed....Looks like that scholar might be right...This
might be the Journey's End...Also a name plucked form the sailor's
mouths...Those damn sailors..Always so literal.

--18th Day--
I was able to see a ship also mired in the Sargasso, yesterday, albiet in
slightly worse condition...Everything was fine, until those damned Vine
Assassins attacked. Haven't seen the likes of those since the Princes...I
knew there had to be something controlling them, and the book Babafemi
found confirmed it. We're heading to the center of this thing
tomorrow...They say history travels in circles..I hope it's not done revolving

--20th Day--
Fucking hells alive. I can't believe we all came that damn close to
dieing....Thankfully, we were able to make it, all except for Babafemi...Quick
was his wit, not so his feet. Nothing was left, nary a single personal
item...I'm going to try and arrange for a funeral ceremony later today...The
dead should always be remembered--no greater disrespect than an
ignominious death....

That's what we all strive for, isn't it? To be remembered?

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL 6 Ranger 1 Targeteer 4 Deepwood Sniper 1 Davrin Fel Blog Entry 2

The cabin door slams, and Davrin grunts with exertion as he flips the beds
and table in the room he shared with Oaken. "That damned fool! I should've
known he'd be too eager to join his comrades in that infernal fucking
tomb!" Thr door creaks slightly as a deckhand pops in to check on Davrin,
"GET THE FUCK OUT! Unless you feel compelled to become a eunuch," is
his swift response to the deckhand's query about his well-being.

Half a day later.

"I swear I should've just left that damn thing in him and thrown him
overboard. Fucking useless little shit-stained breech-pissing altar
boy...Trying to pass himself off as a priest..HAH, if there were any justice in
the world, the Gods would've smote him the moment he even thought of
such a thing....Hell, I might not have even had to deal with any of
'LOVELY' LIGHT! You did NOTHING while Ellurst and his men fought! You
did NOTHING to stop the advance, NOTHING TO HELP SAVE THE
He stills, and looks around for yet another target to unleash his rage
upon...His eyes alight upon one of his much-loved bottles of Green-Man,
the very same one he had drank out of the morning of the ill-fated
expedition. "YOU," he shouts, grabbing the bottle by the neck and sligning
it against the far wall of the cabin. The glass shatters, and the pungent reek
of strong liquor fills the cabin. "Never again. Too many have I lost before
your foul embrace, and yet more after I made your acquaintance." He
spends the next few minutes pulling any and all of the bottles out. "Trust
me, it's not me, it's you," he says as he packs them into a crate, "It's time
you took a little journey...what was it that author said once? Thirty
thousand leagues under the sea?" Davrin nods to himself as he now
approaches the ship's railing with the crate, "Close enough. So long, bitch,
and I hope I never see you again."

 "WOT'D YEW SAY 'BOUT THE CAP'N?!?"  A loud voice breaks the
otherwise monotonous din of the ship as a nearby sailor--apparently close
but not quite close enough--mistakes Davrin's self-absorbed ramblings for
those of the more mutinous inclination.

"Oh would you shut the hell up. I'm not talking about the damned
Captain--may she forever has fair seas--I'm addressing this particularly
sorry collection of life-stealing liquor I've got in my hands."

"Wot're yew doin' wit' it?"

"Are you as lacking in sight as you are in mental acuity? I'm clearly about
to toss it overboard."


"You fucking lackwit, I'm going to chuck this crate," at this, Davrin thrusts
the crate into the sailor's face, "straight over the fuckin' rail." Immediately
upon saying this, the crate sails smoothly over the rail and into the sea.

"See,  I even gave you a bloody example, you pus-wit. Now, get the hell out
of my way, or the crate won't be the only thing we lose today." He shoves
past the sailor as he says this, and heads back towards his cabin, with the
sailor still standing there, still trying to figure out what demon-possessed man
throws an entire crate of liquor worth his entire year's wages over the
railing. "Wot'n th' screbbl'd hells wos tha'?"

---------Several Weeks Later------------

Finally, we're done with the damned priest. Fuckin' lackwit got off...damned
near had to shove 'im overboard one night, but thankfully he listened to me
about joining the locals if he wanted to live...Funny, every man I've ever
seen serve the gods has always believed more in his own ability to protect
himself, rather than his god's. But, it has been week since I last touched
that stuff...never knew how fuckin' hard that shit'd be to kick...Who knew,
Davrin, Ship-slayer, and Sole Survivor of Tamoachan, would be brought so
damn low by such a simple thing. Looks like we're making port now,
There is a large ink stain in the middle of the page, making it look as if he
set his quill down in the middle of a thought and left.

Friday, December 19, 2014

DM Entry: Exotic Weapons, Associated Feats, and Virtual Feats.

Exotic Weapons and Associated Feats

This is being posted here so it doesn't get lost.

From Complete Adventurer page 116.

The following weapons are treated as other weapons for the sake of benefiting from feats, like Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specialization.

Greater blowgun is treated as a blowgun

Barbed bolas are treated as bolas

Greatbow is treated as a longbow

Greatspear is treated as a longspear

Dire pick is treated as a heavy pick

Heavy poleaxe is treated as a halberd

Warmace is treated as a heavy mace

So if you have Weapon Focus (longbow) you can use the benefit of the feat with longbows, composite longbows, and greatbows.

Virtual Feats

While we are on the subject, don't forget this little gem from Sword and Fist, page 5:

"If you effectively have a feat as a class feature or special ability, then you can use that virtual feat as a prerequisite for other feats. What does this mean? If you have, for example, some class feature or ability that says, 'This is the same as Mobility,' then you are considered to have the Mobility feat for purposes of acquiring the Spring Attack feat. If you ever lose the virtual prerequisite, you also lose access to any feats you acquired through its existence."

Thursday, December 18, 2014

DM Entry: New Spells in Aryathan Jiil Libram of Magic IV (updated and uploaded to Google Drive)

Augment Skeleton I
New Spell.
Level: Cleric 3, Sorcerer 3, Wizard 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One undead skeleton touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
                You temporarily add one of the following effects to an undead skeleton that you touch. You need not be in control of the skeleton at the time of casting, and it may even attack you with the enhancements from this spell if you don’t control it in some way.
                An affected target cannot benefit from another casting of this spell (or augment skeleton II) until the first casting ends.
                Choose of the following effects to enhance the target:
                Fiery Skeleton: The touched creature’s natural attacks deal an additional +1d6 points of fire damage. The target also gains immunity to fire.
                Frost Skeleton: The touched creature’s natural attacks deal an additional +1d6 points of cold damage. The target also gains immunity to cold.
                Lightning Skeleton: The touched creature’s natural attacks deal an additional +1d6 points of electricity damage. The target also gains immunity to electricity.
                Nimble Skeleton: The touched creature gains a climb speed equal to its base land speed. The target also gains a +4 bonus to its Dexterity score.

Augment Skeleton II
New Spell.
Level: Cleric 5, Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5
Duration: 1 hour/level
                This spell functions as augment skeleton I, except as noted above, and that you may choose any of the effects from augment skeleton I, or one of the following effects to enhance the target:
                Soldier Skeleton: The touched creature gains a +1 circumstance bonus to its attack rolls and Armor Class for each other soldier skeleton that is adjacent to it. Also, if a soldier skeleton flanks an opponent, it gains an additional +1 circumstance bonus on attacks against that opponent. If a soldier skeleton wields a weapon, it gains Weapon Focus in that weapon as a bonus feat. It also gains Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat.
                Vicious Skeleton: The touched creature’s claws deal damage as if the skeleton were one size category larger than normal (a skeleton without claws cannot gain this benefit). Also, if the target hits with at least two claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals extra damage equal to twice the normal damage of a claw plus 1½ times its Strength bonus. The vicious skeleton also gains Improved Critical (claw) as a bonus feat.

Augment Zombie I
New Spell.
Level: Cleric 3, Sorcerer 3, Wizard 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One undead zombie touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
                You temporarily add one of the following effects to an undead zombie that you touch. You need not be in control of the zombie at the time of casting, and it may even attack you with the enhancements from this spell if you don’t control it in some way.
                An affected target cannot benefit from another casting of this spell (or augment zombie II) until the first casting ends.
                Choose of the following effects to enhance the target:
                Diseased Zombie: Any successful melee attack by a diseased zombie exposes the target to a disease (filth fever). Any creature making a successful unarmed or natural attack against a diseased zombie is similarly exposed (a character who grapples with a diseased zombie gets a -4 penalty on the save made to resist infection).
                Fast Zombie: Add 30 ft to the base land speed, up to a maximum of twice the zombie’s normal base land speed. Fast zombies can run. Fast zombies add a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class. And the fast zombie is not restricted in taking single actions only, however it still cannot attack more than once per round.
                Hunting Zombie: Hunting zombies gain the scent ability, Track as a bonus feat, and a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks. A hunting zombie has a Wisdom score of 14 (unless it already had a higher score).

Augment Zombie II
New Spell.
Level: Cleric 5, Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5
Duration: 1 hour/level
                This spell functions as augment zombie I, except as noted above, and that you may choose any of the effects from augment zombie I, or one of the following effects to enhance the target:
                Bloodthirsty Zombie: A bloodthirsty zombie gains a bite attack that deals the same damage as its slam attack (or its normal bite damage, whichever is more). If a bloodthirsty zombie scores a critical hit with its bite attack against a living creature, that creature takes 1 point of Constitution damage. Bloodthirsty zombies also gain Improved Critical (bite) as a bonus feat.
                Unkillable Zombie: An unkillable zombie gains +2 hp per HD and fast healing 5.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Savage Tide : ECL 4 Cayo Topa necromancer 4 : journal entry 1

     Today we sighted two ships heading towards our camp. I was excited to see a ship that wasn't trying to raid our camp for a change. I have asked chief Ixawhani if I could leave the tribe to explore the seas with the great boat. He seemed shocked that I even asked. "The seas are a very dangerous place to be, great squids that eat boat like the one you want to join and huge man eating fish among other things. Did you know that? Also, there are other ships out there that will try to take the great boat that you want to get on. They will kill you if they do not like how you use spells, even though it's not evil" He said with worry and fear in his mouth, but he soon signed and agreed to let me go. He gave me a potion of swimming along with a bow and a quiver of arrows. "A hunters tools and just in case you fall over board you have this potion." He said handing me these tools of a "hunter". I said my farewells and joined the sea wyvern.

Savage Tide : ECL 4 Cayo Topa olman human necromancer 4: bio

     Born olman raised olman. Cayo Topa was a skinny child and never spoke much unless there was a interesting conversation happening. He soon grew out of that and spoke as if he was imitating the chief. He was caught doing that and punished by having to hunt down a kill a wild boar. He could not return until he has done this. He went out into the jungle with nothing but a small skinning knife. Eating nothing but berries and small game he soon got hungry. Two days later he found a wild boar eating on a small bush, he started to sneak up on it, with his knife in hand. It turned around and whined loudly. The scream of the mighty boar echoed through the trees. He quickly trusted the knife toward the boar's temple. The boar bull rushed him with the knife hanging out of its head. The boar got one good bite off before falling over on top of him. He could feel his cheek bleeding. But he didn't care, he just killed the boar. He pushed the heavy pig off of him. He draged the boar back to camp quickly before anything could take it from him. The bite still marks his face today.
     He travel to Greyhawk when he was 19, the age of which every olman funds out what type of warrior he wants to be. The elders preformed a ritual that sent us to this big city, no walking to the city was needed. He found a wizards tower, he was very intrigued with this wizards tower. He became a necromancer. A type of specialized wizard. He asked the elder Igafa how to get back. "Magic!" he said laughing. He studied for years in Greyhawk.
     He eventually went back to the tribe. He soon became bored with tribal life. Thirsting for adventure,  exploration, and a life outside of the tribe. He hoped to leave one day, but until then he studied the magical way of the necromancer.

Savage Tide: ECL 4 Babafemi human spellthief 1, wizard 3: Journal 1

سجل لليسافر ولي العهد الأمير بابافيمي من زئيفي

Wond'rous!  Tho I must now away my pretenses, I am blessed not to be in the company of base assassins.  Perhaps I was foolish to hide at the outset - Ah, but no, my foes are many and their arms long indeed.  My present foothold is precarious, and owed to fortune alone.

Our party, numbering five now, returns to the Olman ruins where my immediate predecessors met their fates.  Foolhardy, perhaps, but I say nothing, and I say nothing again when we reembark numbering four.  In my heart, I am not sad to see the dwarf go.  His brashness unnerved me.  But his cursed, agonized corpus shall haunt my dreams for a time.

And now!  The stumbling, suffering priest.  In my heart, I know: that poisonous egg was meant for me.  It emerged from Bassam's foul gizzard, and the hapless fellow ate that vomitous meal in my stead.  The debt he owes me, he can never know, and never will.

But let it not be said that we set out a macabre voyage of envenomed knives and the hideous, misdirected vengeance of long-dead kings.  We surely do, but so goest all daring ventures.   Scattered amongst that bitter gruel, though, are candied plums.  The fruits I speak of?  They are those of sweet Lavinia.

She is a capable woman, having organized this expedition almost single-handed, noble enough for a tryst not to be unseemly, and beautiful besides.  I think she is as intrigued as I am, and how could she not be?  I am all that I am.

لوالدي، ووالده، وجميع من أساتذتي، سأعمل جاهدا من.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL 4 Babafemi human spellthief 1, wizard 3: Bio

The crown prince of Zeif is a reclusive, mysterious figure.  Typical for children of the sultan, he was born and raised in the harem at the Palace of Peh'reen in Zeir-i-Zeif, the fortunate son of one of many concubines.

He has seldom made public appearances, and then only as a small child.  More recently, his father the sultan has been afflicted with a terrible illness, and rumors circulate furiously among the populace that the unseen prince must be dying of the same disease, missing, or dead.  Some doubt he ever existed, the young boy in lavish robes remembered by older folk having been merely a slave conveniently playing a part in some greater political machination.

In the apparent absence of able royal blood, the Sultanate is governed by the Grand Vizier, Bassam ibn Bulus al-Zeif.  The Grand Vizier is a man who is loved by all without exception; a man of unwavering, unparalleled honor and morality; a man with no failings or unfortunate predilections whatsoever.

Zeif is lucky to have Bassam.

The man aboard the Sea Wyvern is not dying of a terrible disease, nor is he sequestered in the Palace of Peh'reen, obviously enough.  He seems to be nothing more than a genteel crook who isn't as good at lying as he thinks he is.

DM Entry: Favored Classes and Multiclass Penalties

Let's be honest, the 20% penalty for unevenly multiclassing is bullshit. I am (once again) bastardizing some mechanics from another game system to use in our games. This time from Pathfinder, although we will use them a little differently.

This information has been added to the Aryathan Jiil Campaign Setting.pdf and uploaded to the google drive.

Favored Class

Remove the 20% penalty for uneven multiclass levels. Replace with the following three things.

First, leveling up into your favored class takes only 15 minutes instead of 1 hour.

Secondly, Choose one of the following each time you gain a level in your favored class:
·         +0. 5% xp bonus
·         +1 hp
·         +1 skill point.

And finally, find your favored class below and gain the listed bonus each time you take a level in your favored class. Any fractional bonus is rounded down, so you may need to select an option more than once to gain a benefit.


If you have a favored class listed as “any” you must choose this favored class from any base class in the game (not limited to a class you have already taken) during character creation. Once chosen, this becomes your favored class and cannot later be changed. If you choose a class that is not listed below, let the DM know so he can add that class below.

Multiple Favored Classes

If you have more than one favored class, you must select which one will be your favored class and remove the other. Once chosen, this cannot later be changed. If you later gain another favored class, you can choose the new one to replace the old one, or keep the old one and ignore the new one.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add one spell known from the assassin spell list. This spell must be at least one  level below the highest spell level you can cast.

Or, add +½ point to sneak attack damage.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add 1 to the total number of rounds that you rage.

Or, add 1 to your base speed. In combat this has no effect unless you have selected this reward 5 times (or another increment of 5); a speed of 34 feet is effectively the same as a speed of 30 feet, for example. This bonus stacks with a class’s fast movement feature and applies only under the same conditions as that ability.

Or, add a +½ competence bonus to trap sense.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add a +1 competence bonus when resisting a disarm or sunder attempt.

Or, add 1 to the total number of bardic music uses per day.

Or, add a +½ competence bonus on Bluff checks to pass secret messages, on Gather Information checks, and on Disguise checks.

Or, add one spell known from the bard spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level you can cast.

Or, select a 0-level spell that you know. This spell becomes usable at will as a spell-like ability.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add one spell known as if by the beguiler’s advanced learning. The spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level you can cast.

Or, add a +½ competence bonus to cloaked casting spell DCs.

Or, add a +½ competence bonus to cloaked casting spell penetration checks.


Add a +½ competence bonus on binding checks.


Choose one of the following each time:

Select one domain power granted at 1st level that is normally usable for a number of times per day equal to 3 + an ability modifier. You add ½ to the number of uses per day of that domain power.

Or, add a +1 competence bonus on spell penetration checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders.

Or, select a 0-level spell from the cleric spell list. This spell becomes usable at will as a spell-like ability.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add +½ point to steely resolve.

Or, add one maneuver known from those available to crusaders. This maneuver must be at least one level below the highest level maneuver you can initiate.


Choose one of the following each time:

You gain energy resistance 1 against acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Each time you select this reward, increase your resistance to one of these energy types by 1 (maximum 10 for any one type).

Or, select a 0-level spell from the druid spell list. This spell becomes usable at will as a spell-like ability.

Favored Soul

Choose one of the following each time:

You gain energy resistance 1 against acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Each time you select this reward, increase your resistance to one of these energy types by 1 (maximum 10 for any one type). This resistance stacks with the favored soul’s energy resistance class ability.

Or, add one spell known from the cleric spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level you can cast.

Or, select a 0-level spell that you know. This spell becomes usable at will as a spell-like ability.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add a +1 competence bonus when resisting a bull rush or trip.

Or, add a +1 competence bonus when resisting a disarm or sunder attempt.

Or, add a +1 competence bonus when resisting a disarm or overrun.

Or, add a +1 competence bonus when resisting a trip and on grapple checks.

Or, add +¼ on stabilization d20 rolls.


Add +½ bonus essentia.


Add a +1 competence bonus to grapple checks and +½ to the number of Stunning Fist attacks you can attempt per day.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add ½ to the number of uses per day of your ki power.

Or, add +½ point to sudden strike damage.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add a +1 competence bonus on Concentration checks when casting paladin spells.

Or, add +½ hp to your lay on hands ability (whether using it to heal or harm).

Or, you gain energy resistance 1 against acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Each time you select this reward, increase your resistance to one of these energy types by 1 (maximum 10 for any one type).

Or, add a +½ competence bonus on smite evil damage.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add +½ bonus power point.

Or, add one power known from the psion power list. This power must be at least one level below the highest power level you can manifest.

Or, select a 0-level power that you know. This power becomes usable at will as a psi-like ability.

Psychic Warrior

Choose one of the following each time:

Add +½ bonus power point.

Or, add one power known from the psychic warrior power list. This power must be at least one level below the highest power level you can manifest.

Or, select a 0-level power that you know. This power becomes usable at will as a psi-like ability.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add a +½ competence bonus on wild empathy checks to influence animals and magical beasts.

Or, choose a weapon from the following list: longbow, longsword, rapier, shortbow, or short sword. Add a +½ competence bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls with that weapon (maximum bonus of +4). This ability does not stack with any ability to gives a bonus to confirm critical hits.

Or, add DR 1/magic to your animal companion. Each time you select this benefit, the DR/magic increases by +½ (maximum DR 10/magic). If you ever replace your animal companion, the new companion gains this DR.

Or, add +1 skill point to your animal companion. If you ever replace your companion, the new companion gains all of these bonus skill points.

Or, add +1 hit point to your animal companion. If you ever replace your animal companion, the new animal companion gains all of these bonus hit points.

Or, Add a +1/3 dodge bonus to Armor Class against your favored enemies.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add a +½ competence bonus on Bluff checks to feint and Gather Information checks.

Or, add +½ point to sneak attack damage.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add a +1 competence bonus when resisting a bull rush or trip.

Or, add a +1 competence bonus when resisting a disarm or sunder attempt.

Or, add a +1 competence bonus when resisting a disarm or overrun.

Or, add a +1 competence bonus when resisting a trip and on grapple checks.

Or, add +¼ on stabilization d20 rolls.

Or, add a +½ competence bonus on kiai smite damage.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add +¼ to battle fortitude.

Or, add +½ point to skirmish damage.


Choose one of the following each time:

Select a 0-level spell from the shaman spell list. This spell becomes usable at will as a spell-like ability.

Or, add DR 1/magic to your animal companion. Each time you select this benefit, the DR/magic increases by +½ (maximum DR 10/magic). If you ever replace your animal companion, the new companion gains this DR.

Or, add +1 skill point to your animal companion. If you ever replace your companion, the new companion gains all of these bonus skill points.

Or, add +1 hit point to your animal companion. If you ever replace your animal companion, the new animal companion gains all of these bonus hit points.


Choose one of the following each time:

Select a 0-level spell from the shugenja spell list. This spell becomes usable at will as a spell-like ability.

Or, gain energy resistance 1 against your favored element. Each time you select this reward, increase your resistance this energy by 1 (maximum 10 for).


Choose one of the following each time:

Add +½ point to sneak attack damage.

Or, add one spell known from the spellthief spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level you can cast.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add +½ point of energy damage to appropriate energy spells (choose one each time: acid, cold, electricity, or fire). For example, only spells with the fire descriptor can benefit from bonus fire damage.

Or, add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level you can cast.

Or, select a 0-level spell that you know. This spell becomes usable at will as a spell-like ability.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add +¼ competence bonus to your quick to act class ability.

Or, add one maneuver known from those available to swordsages. This maneuver must be at least one level below the highest level maneuver you can initiate.


Add +½ bonus essentia.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add one invocation known from those available to warlocks. This invocation must be at least one level below the highest level invocation you can cast.

Or, add +¼ point to eldritch blast damage.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add +½ bonus power point.

Or, add one power known from the wilder power list. This power must be at least one level below the highest power level you can manifest.

Or, select a 0-level power that you know. This power becomes usable at will as a psi-like ability.


Choose one of the following each time:

Add one spell from the wizard spell list to your spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level you can cast.

Or, select a 0-level spell that you know. This spell becomes usable at will as a spell-like ability.

Wu Jen

Choose one of the following each time:

Add one spell from the wu jen spell list to your spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level you can cast.

Or, select a 0-level spell that you know. This spell becomes usable at will as a spell-like ability.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

DM Entry: A Special Note about the Guidebooks

The guidebooks include the following books:

Defenders of the Faith
Masters of the Wild
Song and Silence
Sword and Fist
Tome and Blood

These are all great books. I like them. But it is important to note that these are all 3.0 books.

As with any other 3.0 books, be sure to check with the DM before using any material from them.

As for these particular 3.0 books, the first place to look is in the Guidebook Update for 3.5 (a document published online by Wizards of the Coast. If you can't find this document online somewhere, I can pass it to you at the game. This document gives the official updates to prestige classes, spells, and feats. It references the original source book and then gives you the location of the official 3.5 update of that item.

Notice that some things have not been updated officially, saying things like "not revised yet." That doesn't mean these are fair game. Instead, these are the ones you should be even more leery of. Check with the DM to see if there is an unofficial update found in the Aryathan Jiil documents. If there isn't, I can often prepare that update and add it to our documents.

The next place to look is in the following:

Aryathan Jiil Campaign Setting
Aryathan Jiil Feat Compendium
Aryathan Jiil Classes and Prestige Classes
Aryathan Jiil Magnus Arcana (yet to be released)
Aryathan Jiil Libram of Magic I
Aryathan Jiil Libram of Magic II
Aryathan Jiil Libram of Magic III
Aryathan Jiil Libram of Magic IV
Aryathan Jiil Domain Compendium
Aryathan Jiil Prestige Class Compendium I 3.5 - Dragon Magazine 274-299
Aryathan Jiil Prestige Class Compendium II 3.5 - Dragon Magazine 300-363
Aryathan Jiil Prestige Class Compendium III 3.5 - Wizards.com
Aryathan Jiil Race Templates

Friday, December 12, 2014

Goldmaul journel -1

It seams while I on guard at the ship Oaken met his fate in the maw of evil... in the light of this news lavidia has request me to join the Bazland on the other ship for the rest of the trip even though I am dragon born I am still a dwarf and she feels my presence will help to ease  bazland suffering having a kinsman to banter with. I agree and will move my stuff after the ceremony and introduce myself to bazland. I cannot help to replace a life long friend but I am sadly to familiar with the face of a dwarf in grief
I hope he will accept me as a  comrade..

with Bahamat I ride by a dragons breath I will die

Goldmaul Dragonhammer(bio) Dragonborn(dwarf) fighter1 DFadept 4 ECL5

Golmaul Dragonhammer


Golmaul grew up a merchant’s son learning to tend to the various needs of the business, traveling with his father to inspect supplier and resource venders, studying the various products, forecasting supply and demand.

On many trips to the high quarries in the mountains they often times came upon scenes of utter carnage where bandits had slaughtered the supplier’s workers for their bounty that was harvested. On most occasions this was in the diamond and opal mine's one of which his father owned, the sight of the carnage left behind (not by raiders but by dragons seeking to improve their hoard) was burned deep in his mind as he and his father’s mercenaries cleaned up the scorched dismembers and half eaten bodies of his kinsman hauling them back to widows and orphan to be. Bandits can be dealt with found and caught but the dragons the would swoop in and murder dozens and on a few cases hundreds of hard working joyful dwarven folk with no way to put a stop to it and the mountains to vast do discover the well hid dwelling for them to be purged.. These rare but momentous events that would later find themselves recorded and imprinted upon him.
 Golmaul spent much of his free time vandalizing the temple of bahamut and seeking to reticule and in some case harm anyone of dragon blood heritage. This lasted a few years

 One night paladins of bahamut managed to snare him away while he had wandered off by himself. They smuggled him into the belly of the temple restrained him. the priest began to question him about his hatred and his actions

After hours of stubborn reprisals on his part the priest pieced the puzzle together.

Realizing Golmaul’s angst and despise came from the action of the evil dragons of Tiamat, the paladins began to skillfully teach and explain to him the difference between the two bahamut and tiamat and how his beliefs and despise we the same as Bahamut’s and his order. Once he began to understand what the priest was saying he began to relax and they released him, they showed him texts and art and had a few older members come and testify to both bahamut and to the evils of tiamat and his ilk.


Weeks passed and his hatred of the dragons blood simmered now instead of boiling.... pondering what he had learned reliving the carnage he had to clean up the widows and orphans all raced through his head as he tended to the labors of his father company. Knowing soon he would be on his own and have to set his own path he began to train for combat to protect him and his father’s assets. Unknown to Goldmaul the same paladins that had snared him before were watching him. They saw the unquenchable desire to wreak vengeance on the evil dragons in him and pleasantly surprised to see his behavior change once he understood the truth. while managing his underlings as they unloaded some cargo at the docks the paladins approached him and began to regale him with tales of evil dragon slaying and of the relentless march of Tiamat and his horde to rule and destroy all of the civilized world as we know it, he listened and found himself intrigued at the thought of destroying evil dragons. these thoughts made him even smile…


He finished his day at his father’s warehouse then went to the temple that night. His mind was sent almost spinning with information and knowledge of the draconic. By the night’s end he had made up his mind. He would join Bahamat's legions and wage war against the dragon horde. The heads of the local temple overseeing seeing his commitment to the cause ,guided him in his training and aided him in acquiring the gift of draconic blood. Then taught him to wield the very weapon of the dragons that slew so many of his kinsmen..

Learning fast, at an almost dangerous pace the order needed to find some leads on the location of 
Evil dragon activity because they themselves were growing anxious to unleash their newest pupil into the fray of tiamats schemes. As if by some divine intervention a tale came the way of some mercenaries under the employ of lady Vanderborin had encountered an evil dragon serving under the hand of an unsavory guild of thieves. All of which seem to be tied to some uncharted place that lady Vanderborin herself is traveling to on an expedition. The order contacted her and secured passage for character aboard the ship and also approached the druid Oaken to grant Goldmaul position with his group as a man at arms. Lady Vanderborin and oaken agreed to the terms ,Goldmaul is neither under command of oaken nor under the employ of Lavinia but a weapon of bahamut, to combat evil and the dragons that wield it.

Savage Tide: ECL 3 Lavinia Vanderboren human aristocrat 2, swashbuckler 1: Journal Entry 1

I hardly know what to add to today's journal. My only hope was to travel to Farshore, to pick up where my parents had left off. Perhaps it was arrogance of youth that deceived me into believing everything in the world was harmless, more or less. What could be so hard about this voyage? After all, mother and father had made this journey themselves and come back to Sasserine sharing their stories of adventure and wonder.

I've called for a temporary lieu in our schedule while we hold a service for Oaken and Ichigoya. No more than a week. It will also give me time to consider whether or not to continue our voyage to Farshore, or to return to the safety of Sasserine. Father Feres has agreed to perform a funeral service on shore. He said he may know a few things appropriate to druids, and perform a druidic rite of death, of sorts, although he will make many mistakes, he assured me. But I pressured him. Oaken was not a follower of Osprem or any of our gods that we follow in the city. Besides, I want to remember him on the land in a natural place. Surrounded by the nature that he so adored.

No one will be reading this but me, or I would not add what I am about to add here. His rough exterior that he showed to the world, it was not so rough. His touch was kind and gentle, comforting. Perhaps I only used him. Used him to find something pleasurable after the death of mother and father. But perhaps I found more than I intended to find as well. I had daydreamed of us one day marrying in a ceremonial life bond or whatever the druids call it. Of him moving into my room at the manor. Of him coming home after working so hard and having his way with.....

Bah, why did you go ashore, Oaken? Damn you, why? Why did I permit Urol his fantasy of exploring the old ruins? I will not forgive him for this. It's Urol's fault that Oaken is gone. And I shall not forgive him. How can I? He best stay out of my way for the rest of this voyage, or he may find himself gnome-overboard during the night with no one to save him.

Rest in peace, Oaken. Shipmaster, friend, and occasional lover.

--Lavinia Vanderboran

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Savage Tide : ECL 6 Bazland Stiffpole dwarf fighter 2 / psychic warrior 4: journal entry 7

                              {Monday 26th}
     Today I lost a friend, a comrade, and a brother.  Oaken was his name, a once mighty druid with his cat, Bosco. Me and Oaken were in the front fighting as usual, like we have always done. Both of us melee and sometimes I need healed; and that worked for everything but this gibbering mouther. It swallowed him whole and I assumed he had died instantly, but that was not the case. After cutting the monstrous ooze in half I saw the remains of Oaken also cut in half. His blood and guts mixing with the creature that I have now slain. Pissed off I pulled out my fellow comrade and repeatedly cut that ooze in bits and pieces, until that thing was gone from my eyes. So I did as he would do to any fallen comrade. I respectfully grabbed his gear off of his dead body. In honor of Oaken I made us push forward through the dungeon because that's how me and Oaken did it. We gave him an honorable funeral by sea when we got back to the boat.
                            {Tuesday 27th}
      I now feel less emotions about killing random people; I could care less what happens to them. In fact, I could care less if this whole boat burned down. I would probably start the fire, kill everyone on board, loot their bloody corpses and move on with my terrible life. But I can't do that, I mean how else am I going to get all of this loot back home.

                            ~Bazland Stiffpole~

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL 4 Davrin Fel Fighter (Targeteer) 2/ Ranger 2 Recollections

"Oh my fucking head." Davrin groans and leans against the bulkhead. "Bloody fucking bastards, why couldn't they tell me it was soap? Ah Gods above, if only I'd listened to my nan all those years ago....A bath really could've saved my life....Ah fuck it, I need a drink."

A few hours later, Davrin, his arm having healed and his body recovered from  his near-death experience.

"It was all going so damnably well....perhaps that's why it all went so abso-fucking-lutely abysmal. Well minus that incident with that one damn chick that got that scholar" Davrin just about spits on the paper as he writes the word. "Gods, I so fucking hate scholars....especially since that one fucking bastard who got me into this fuck-all-mess. Anyway, we left Sassarine--Gods I never thought I'd miss that place--only a few months ago, and before we even left, something was already going wrong...Should've bloody known it was only a sign of things to come...I have to say, I'm glad I convinced them to give her her rites as we sent her over...I don't care how fucking much they hated her, we don't need to tempt Fate anymore than we already have...If only that fucking cunt of a Bowyer hadn't used sub-par materials in that longbow, I would've put one into her, though...Fucking 'Masterwork' quality...Hah, I've shat turds higher quality than that useless piece of shit."

Davrin pauses, and grabs one of the bottles of Green Man--surprisingly, he has been rationing it.

"after that, it was pretty smooth sailing. We encountered a halfling merchant ship, and guess what, THEY ACTUALLY HAD HANNA. How the hell, I don't know, but I was so fucking happy to see her again, ever since that fucker stole her, that I'm not about to ask any questions. Next we stopped over in the port where I found this Green Man...Best alcohol I've ever sent down me throat. I had still more good luck, as I was able to win a few hundred at the games on shore...Yet another sign that something really bad was about to happen, I suppose. After that, we sailed for 14 days straight right up until last night...where we fought the most horrifying creature I've faced in my life. We were drifting through fog that was continually getting thicker, then quick as lightning, it grabbed the dwarf and slammed him against the fo'castle. It was so heavily armoured with debris, I knew my arrows would be no good, so I heroically leapt from the Crow's Nest, and down right next to him, trying to cut him free....That's all I can fucking remember....Never have I felt so bloody fucking--"

There is a large ink stain on the page....Perhaps he knocked over his ink in a fit of rage?

"Never again, not even if I have to travel a thousand leagues with a Gryphon on my back. It's too close to how I lost Hanna...Never again."

These are all the pages I've found so far...Perhaps in time, more will find their way to me...

Savage Tides: ECL 4 Davrin Fel Fighter (Targeteer) 2/ Ranger 2: Bio/Backstory

--A man groans loudly on the floor of the tavern as Davrin pulls an unbroken chair from another table and sits back down.--

"Well, that went well..."

--A squinty-eyed man with the air of a scholar about him sits across the table from Davrin.--
"Now, you were saying something about my family?"

--The man squeaks slightly--

"Ah, right, my father," the word is almost spat out. "I suppose I might've been more diplomatic than telling him to take 'the family's reputation' and go fuck a walrus...But, that wouldn't have been me, now would it have?" Davrin chuckles slightly at that. "It all goes back to the first day my father decided that money wasn't enough, he wanted to ensure the family's role in city as a political and mercantile power. I was nine at the time, and my studies--if you could call them that--rapidly switched from tales of knight-errants and abacī to every sort of abstract and arcane matter you could possibly think of--volumes upon volumes of political intrigue and Ladies sleeping with Lords not their own, and how it affected the price of salt in Tusmit."

--Davrin picks up the mug on the table only to find it empty, and motions for a barmaid to refill it--

"It was in those years, as I became barricaded behind book after book, that I watched my father go from the honest, healthy--if overly large--man he used to be, to a squalid shadow of his former self...I wisely deduced that the elevation in status was the main reason for this, but I could do nothing. Gone was the father whom gazed upon me with such happiness whilst I performed fake sword drills in the courtyard...Any feelings I had left for the old bastard were gone that day when he told me I was going to the Academy or he would disinherit me--told me it was for the sake of the family's reputation. Hah, if only he knew what my sister had been doing."

--Again he reaches for the mug, only to find it still empty. Throwing it on the ground, he yells at the barkeep: "OI! GET YER SODDING WENCH TO BRING ME A GLASS." A man stands up behind him and tells him to pipe down, to which he replies with the flat end of the wooden serving tray from the table.--

"Fuck, this place is worse than I remembered. Where was..So I was right fucking mad after he said that, but I was in possession of a little more of my brain then than I am now, and so I decided to play along...Once I moved into the Academy, hewould send me some money for my classes and other things, and I started a little "savings fund." At first it was just for some booze and other things, but one of my mates pointed out how easy it'd be to buy my way into the milit'ry, and get off easy. It was simple enough to pay one of the smartsy-ones to write up a little document saying how well I was doin' in my classes, and keep quiet about it, and finally after two years of it, I was done. I wrote a little 'love' letter to my father, and jumped on the next ship to Port Toli to join the Units of the Princes. It was there, they introduced me to Hanna," as he says this, Davrin reaches over to lovingly caress an unusually large longbow leaning against the wall of the tavern."Ah, me and my Hanna....We've been together a great long time...I have to admit, they gave me just about the only thing I haven't fucked up in this miserable life...I'll have to tell you the story of her name some other time."

--About this time, a serving girl finally shows up...only to walk right past with a tray of mugs balanced on her shoulder...obviously, his drink isn't coming anytime soon.--

"Damn that girl. I need a fucking drink right now. But anyway, it was them as what taught me how to use my Hanna to put an arrow through the eye-slit on a pavise at a hundred-fifty feet. How to scout ahead, and forage in the forest--to be completely at home in the woods as you are in your study.

--At this point, the serving girl comes by with another tray and Davrin reaches up to grab one right as the girl tries to dance out of reach. The tray comes crashing down and the usual tavern noise stops for a second...The bartender points at Davrin and yells "OUT! I've had enough of your trouble! You still haven't paid your tab you filthy bastard!" One of the bar's brutes starts heading towards Davrin.--

"Ah...look, I'm sorry but we might have to cut this short....Would you mind giving me the amount we agreed on, and I'll answer any other questions you have somewhere safer?"

--The scholar looks at Davrin....sighs and slowly draws out a purse, and sets it on the table.--

"Thanks, man." Davrin turns to the brute, just as he gets there, "here, take that back to your master. It should clear the air between us."

--The brute takes the purse, but also reaches for the Greatbow on the wall--

"Oh fucking hell no you don't, mate. Touch it and you die."

--The brute glares at Davrin, but once he sees he won't back down, he grabs him by the shoulder and hauls him up to the counter.--

The innkeeper takes the purse from the brute and tips it onto the counter--copper coins, and a few silver pieces tumble out. "This all you got? Fucking swine, you owe me more than double this pile of petty shit."

"WHAT? YOU SLIME-CROTCHED GOAT-FUCKING SON OF A WEREBEAR! I'LL GET YOU, YOU COCKLESS SMURF!" Davrin swears at the "scholar" who is beating a hasty retreat towards the door of the tavern. "Look man, just give me time. I told you I'd get the money, and you have some of it. You don't have to be so harsh."

The innkeeper looks at him, and laughs...."Bah, you're so damnably pathetic I don't even need to waste my time on you...Thump, throw 'im down the privy..."

Thus begins the tale of Davrin Fel.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL 5 Bazland Stiffpole dwarf fighter 2 / pyschic warrior 3 : journal entry 7

    Magic is so interesting to me.  The fact that you can get back life to a lifeless, limp, body.
   Like Rowyn the leader of the lotus dragons. Her family brought her back to life and she hunted us down, for vengeance because we killed off her entire Rouge gang. I don't think all of the other people on the boat thought I should of kill her, but I did.
    On another note, I apparently need to bring soap with me all the time. That ooze weakness was soap. Or at least that's what the druid told me. So now I'm going to start carrying a bar of soap with me.  It could of saved me from that terrible flesh eating slime.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL 5 Bazland Stiffpole dwarf fighter 2/pyschic warrior 3: journal entry 6

I'm glad that we finally got that disease out of me. I feel like myself again.
 Lavinia said that we need to get a boat. There is the Sea Wyvern in the bay at Krakens cove. We need to go get that boat so that we can go to the Isle of Dread.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL 4 Bazland Stiffpole dwarf fighter 2 / pyschic warrior 2 : journal entry 5

After I killed many of those deformed pirates, I noticed that I was bit by one those monstrous humans. The area where I was bit burns and tingles. We need to get it fixed quick! I poured rum on the wound to serialize it. (Waste of good rum in my opinion.) I can feel the sickness in my vains. Rushing to take over its host, me. I hope we find the cure before it's to late.

                       ~Bazland Stiffpole~

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Some details about the Achievement: Trophy Collector

Harvesting and preserving body parts have been detailed in some published material. This information has been gathered under this achievement in order to show how to properly harvest, preserve, and display the trophies.

This information has been updated in the Aryathan Jiil Campaign Setting.pdf and added to the google drive.

Trophy Collector

Tier I Collect trophies from 10 different foes.
Tier II Collect trophies from 25 different foes.
Tier III Collect trophies from 50 different foes.
Note: A trophy is a body part, chosen at the time when you first take a trophy and cannot later be changed, such as a toe, finger, ear, tail, or scalp. Thereafter anytime you choose to take a trophy from a defeated creature, it must be the same body part.

To qualify as a trophy, the body part must be taken from a creature that has a CR at least 2 higher than your effective character level.

The trophies should be collected in some way as to display them as trophies, such as on a necklace, belt strap, or even a display case in a building.

The process of making a trophy is as follows:
1.       Harvest the trophy, requires 10 minutes and a successful DC 15 Profession (taxidermy check). Dead bodies deteriorate enough in 15 minutes that good specimens can no longer be obtained, so this process must begin within the first 5 minutes after death.
2.       Preserve the trophy, requires 1 hour and a DC 20 Profession (taxidermy) check. This involves embalming materials that cost 1 gp per trophy.

The use of gentle repose spells and preserving jars may increase the time for harvesting and preserving. But to qualify as a trophy, they must be properly preserved and put on display with the other trophies.

Please keep a record of each your trophies on your character sheet, with some details about its defeat and its creature kind. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL 4 Bazland Stiffpole dwarf fighter 2/pyschic warrior 2: Bio

     Born into a group of great fighters was a small child  named Bazland Stiffpole. He was different than the other children of his mighty clan. He was in interested in pyschics and how they had powers like that of wizards but better. They have power a like druids, wizards, and duskblades.  But they make all of them look small when compared to a pyschic warrior.  {A psychic warrior combines a pyschic and a fighter together making the meanest warrior of all.} He was very interested in learning how to become a pyschic warrior but his parents forbid him from learning the mystical powers.  They believe that it was evil and said that demons would eat his whole family if he continued his search to learn about psychics. So because of that he waited until hearly was kicked out of his house to learn about them.

                        ~Bazland Stiffpole~

Savage Tide: ECL 4 Balance Stiffpole dwarf fighter 2/pyschic warrior 2: journal entry 4

 After we made it out of that dungeon/basement I feel as though we should keep looking for Ms. Vanderborn's brother.

  Well I was right, she wants us to keep looking for him, but don't kill him. We are supposed to bring him in for justice.  Make him pay for what he did to his parents. To be honest,  I'd have him killed by us but that's not what I'm gething paid for.

                    ~Bazland Stiffpole~

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL 2 Bazland Stiffpole Dwarf Fighter 1/ Psychic Warrior 1: Journal entry 3

I knew we would find a way out of that terrible island. There were a lot of zombies down there and crabs. The swimming was pretty easy. We also found all that money. Then we got attacked at that animal stuffing place. Now we are going to find out where this dungeon is underneath this place.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL 2 Bazland Stiffpole Dwarf Fighter 1, Psychic Warrior 1: Journal entry 2

     I kind of seen this coming from that shady guy, Shefton Rosk. I believe that he led us in this trap. Now we're stuck in this dungeon killing zombies. We have already killed nine zombies. I think that there has to be a different way out of here. We will find the way out how ever long it takes.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Knowledge Checks for Monster Lore

This is a more user friendly way to do Knowledge checks for monster lore. We'll be using this from now on.

This puts more control in the hands of the player, to decide what information they want to know.

The DC's use the exact same formula as found in Monster Manual IV and Monster Manual V.

The particular kind of Knowledge check remains unchanged, such as Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion), for example.

The Player chooses which categories to learn from, but the DM determines the specific ones from the chosen category, perhaps randomly determined.

DC 10 + CR: Creature kind and type, as well as commonly known behavior.

DC 15 + CR: Creature kind, type, and subtype, as well as commonly known behavior and any one of the following:
                one resistance substance (but not value, such as a single energy resistance, turn resistance, or spell resistance), or
                one damage reduction substance (but not value), or
                one special quality.

DC 20 + CR: Creature kind, type, and subtype, as well as commonly known behavior and any two of the following:
                all resistance substances (but not values, such as all energy resistances, turn resistance, and spell resistance), or
                all damage reduction substances (but not values), or
                all special qualities, or
                one special attack, or
                one weakness.

DC 25 + CR: Creature kind, type, and subtype, as well as commonly known behavior and any three of the following:
                all resistance substances (but not values, such as all energy resistances, turn resistance, and spell resistance), or
                all damage reduction substances (but not values), or
                all special qualities, or
                all special attacks, or
                all weakness, or
                one immunity.

UPDATED Rules and Format (**read before posting**)

Special Notice. The bonus XP rules have changed. See below.

This blog is for posting your PCs journal.

Please keep all posts on this blog in character.
Comments may be in or out of character.

Please use the following format in the Title of your post:
Campaign: ECL Character Name race class level: Journal Entry Number

For example, one might look like this:
Shackled City: ECL 4 Shushan Turanis lesser fey'ri marshal 1, truenamer 3: Entry 1

Blog and Player Loyalty XP Bonus
Posting a blog for your character on this site earns that PC a percent bonus to XP during the next game session equal to:
+1% per consecutive number of sessions attended and blogged  (not to exceed your effective character level)

Bio XP Bonus
Posting your character's bio on this blog earns your character a flat, one-time +200 XP, multiplied by your Player Loyalty Bonus. This bonus only applies during the first three sessions after character creation, after which the bonus drops to a flat +200 XP (without multiplying by your Player Loyalty Bonus).

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Savage Tide: ECL: 1 Dwarf Fighter 1: Journal Entry 1

First day out of my house. Kicked out to find a better life, a better job, and a real life; One that I can call my own. I am going to go meet my friend at the bar for a celebration. We both got kicked out of our house at the same time. I don't know about him but I have been looking forward to this day for the last ten years. We got a letter from Lavinia and we are going to go meet her at her house.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DM Entry: Totem Druid

The Totem Druid is an alternative druid class published in Dragon magazine.
I have fully fleshed out this class, as well as added a few more totem animals to choose from.
This class is now available in full format in the Aryathan Jiil Classes and Prestige Classes.pdf on the google drive.

The totem druid has been entirely removed and replaced with the Animal Shaman as found in the Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide. This can be found online here. You choose an animal when you take the 1st level of the animal shaman, which can be Bat, Bear, Boar, Dragon, Eagle, Lion, Serpent, Shark, or Wolf. So for example, if you want to use the bear, you would look under Bear Shaman.

The Dragon Shaman in that list is not using dragons, instead is using lizards, it should be called the Lizard Shaman and is not related to the Dragon Shaman found in Player's Handbook II in any way.

Friday, September 26, 2014

No Item Level Limit for Buying Magic Items (vote in the comments)

Last session, we discussed abolishing "Item Level Limit" on the purchase of magic items. I have heard some compelling arguments for doing so. So I thought I would offer this up for a vote. If at least 2 people (other than me) agree (by posting in the comments), then we will abolish the "Item Level Limit" for purchasing magic items from now on.

This won't affect magic item creation times or the Gather Information check to locate a seller.

No Spell Component Pouches Optional Rule (Vote in the Comments)

The following material has been added to the Aryathan Jiil Campaign Setting.pdf and updated on the Google drive.

This is material that was discussed at the most recent game session by everyone. If you want to vote on this or comment on some change, leave a comment. If we get at least 2 people (besides me) voting for this, then we will use it from now on.

No Spell Component Pouches (optional rule)

If the DM uses this optional rule, there are no such things as spell component pouches in the game world. Individual material components must be gathered by the spellcaster. This optional rule has no bearing on expensive material components (those with a gp cost of 1 or more); these must still be acquired as normal.

Acquisition by Magic

Conjure spell component (Libram of Magic I) allows you to conjure 3 components per caster level, although they are temporary and must be used within 1 round of casting.

Acquisition by Gathering

In a world with no spell component pouches, Survival checks become much more useful to the spellcaster. With a DC 10 Survival check while moving at half speed, you can provide a single dose of inexpensive material components for a single spell. This check provides 1 additional dose for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 10 and need not all be the same kind of component. This check will only find items if they are in the area. The DM has final judgment on what components may be found in an area. In an urban setting, just about anything could be reasonably found, as well as natural substances found in natural locations. Similar to “getting along in the wild” as noted in the Survival skill description, no more than one Survival check in a 24 hour period can be made for acquiring material components, and a single check may represent a single hour or several hours, this is left to the DM’s discretion. To make this check while moving at full speed (rather than half speed), the DC is 40 (rather than 10).

Acquisition by Butchering

You may need to harvest body parts from creatures for some inexpensive material components. This takes 10 minutes and a DC 15 Profession (taxidermy) check to fully remove one body part, followed by 1 hour and a DC 20 Profession (taxidermy) check to preserve it so it won’t rot or otherwise deteriorate. The embalming materials cost 1 gp per item. Bodies and body parts deteriorate enough in 15 minutes that you can’t get material components from them. As a general rule, one monster provides enough substance for a single casting of a spell (such as bat fur or chimera scales), plus one additional dose per 2 points by which your first check succeeds. In some cases, the number of parts that can be obtained from one creature is obvious by the creature, such as 4 hooves of a gorgon or 10 eyestalks from a beholder.

Acquisition by Growing

If you want to grow and cultivate plant-based material components yourself, you must first sow and tend the seeds, which takes 1 month. At the end of that time, you must make Profession (herbalist) checks (DC 20) in order to harvest the plant successfully. You can attempt to harvest once in a season, and you gain 1d10 doses of the material component with a successful check, plus 1d6 additional doses per 2 additional points by which you succeed on the check. Each additional plant after the first that you personally attend during a single season adds 1 to all Profession (herbalist) checks for the season. Plants that do not naturally occur in your area add +5 to the DC.

Acquisition of Pure Elemental Matter

Purity is a major consideration for material components of this sort; obtaining a dose is not simply a matter of going to the appropriate elemental plane and scooping up a handful of stuff. In general it takes a day of scavenging and a DC 30 Knowledge (the planes) check to find enough of the relevant raw material in its purest form to serve as a single dose for a material component; plus 1 additional dose for every 2 additional points by which you succeed on the check. Then the material must be magically preserved and stored (see the preserving jar below). Using this optional rule, pure elemental matter can be preserved in a preserving jar.

Acquisition by Purchasing

For those who just want to let their money do all the work, they can visit an apothecary (not a magic item shop). You can hire an apothecary to gather the needed material components you require, either doing Survival checks, Profession (herbalist) checks, Profession (taxidermy), or Knowledge (the planes) checks. Any given apothecary can make a single skill check per day. The prices are noted below. Tracking down an apothecary requires a Gather Information check to find one that likely has stock in the items you need; DC 15 and takes 1d4+1 hours. After that, your wait time is minimal, long enough to enter the shop and discuss the items and the price; you don’t have to wait for the apothecary to gather the items, but he may be out of stock even though you succeeded on your Gather Information check. Any given community has, at most, 5 apothecaries per 10,000 population. Note, if the apothecary is on the Material Plane at the time of purchase, elemental materials are impossible to obtain. Planar apothecaries (those on other planes of existence) have elemental materials more readily available. This goes equally as well toward harvesting body parts from creatures native to planes other than the Material Plane.
Apothecary (Expert Level)
Skill Modifier
GP Cost

Preserving Jar

If freshness is a factor, you may need to use one or more preserving jars. These jars can hold one or more doses of material components, depending on the size requirements.
Preserving Jar: (From the Arms and Equipment Guide page 136.) This large glass jar has been magically treated to preserve any organic material placed in it. The jar can hold the equivalent of 2 gallons of liquid. Anything small enough to fit in the jar does not rot, age, or wilt. The lid must be placed securely on the top for the effect to work. A Tiny or smaller creature can be placed in the jar, but without a supply of air and food it eventually dies, although the corpse never rots. Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.

Adopting this in a existing Campaign

If you adopt this optional rule in an existing game, your character will obviously have some materials already on hand. For each spell you know that requires inexpensive spell components, your character gains 3d6-6 doses (minimum 1). Only check once for each spell. After this check, you must acquire inexpensive materials by the aforementioned means of gathering. Note that learning a spell as part of gaining a level in a spellcasting class does not automatically grant you possession of relevant inexpensive material components; all such components must be gathered in one way or another.