Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, March 26, 2016

RTEL: ECL 7 Ozric Inaskari Wild Mage 7: Journal Entry 2

To my dearest Lover,
I don't know where you left to, but I promise to find you one day! I will protect you with my life, but this time I will be stronger! Is that why you left me! Please come back! We can fly thru the lands together without my pesky team members why didn't like you. If they cant see you for your wonder and splendor, then they are not true friends of mine! I will be there to protect you along with my gang of Mephits. I can remember your shadowy appearance just like it was yesterday when we met... feels like a lifetime that we have known each other! Please come back to me! My mind wont let me stop thinking about you! I will continue to search this land to find you!
I will always love you my love!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

RTEL: ECL 7 Ozric Inaskari Wild Mage 7: Journal Entry 2

The one time that our cleric decides to go on cart duty, undead all around! What makes things even better is that the majority of the weapons that my gang of Mephits are carrying are worthless against the specters and ghost we were fighting. Good thing we tricks up our sleeves.
With my magic armour I cast on my group and the enhancements, we were able to dispatch the undead with ease.
But that was not the highlight of our day! We found a precious gemstone of the dwarves! It was being guarded by a mimic! And it was not easy to find the room, it was actually in a hidden room behind the janitorial closet! Our druid friend, with all her eyes, spotted the hidden lever. When we pulled the lever, the back wall slid down and the floor dropped open! Good thing the mephitis and I could fly otherwise we would have fallen. But then I let my curiosity get the best of me!
I figured that some other fools have fallen down into the pit before us and died, leaving all their gear behind. As my gang and I fly down there, we discover that no! No dead bodies, gear, or a scrap of anything was down here! instead we were obviously the first victims down here as the floor, now our ceiling, closed and trapped us in here. I could then see my mephitis all starting to chock on some gas that started to fill up the space. Thankfully the other wizard was able to 'knock' the trap open and release us.
That lead to the gem, as nobody wanted to enter the space because of the gas, I used my spell, mage hand, to propel the gem to us. But when I did that, the mimic sprang to life and slowly started to go after us. With some more of the mage's help, arrows from my mepthits, and the bug warrior, we quickly dispatched of the mimic as the 50' drop prevented it from getting to us.
We then left with our spoils down the hall, encountering gargoyle pit fighting ring leaders or so the chained up dwarf from a far away land. We escorted him with us until we were ready to leave the this place for the night or when our bags filled up.
And when things looked good for us, we came to a large old forge with old weapons scattered all across the room! As we entered the room, another specter appeared. Our luck, no cleric and two undead specters in one day! This time it was animating weapons from the surrounding that it was using to attack us with! The bug stepped up and acted like the decoy for the group while the mage was able to blast more spells into it! I called forth Nahal's Reckless Endower and let forth an empowered magic missile at full power! With the fireballs and that missile, it dropped to the floor.
The group thinking that it was a good idea to gather all the gear in the room, spent a good 2 hours picking up loot. We decided since our bags were full, to go back to town to sell the goods and prepare for our next adventure tomorrow.
With it being the weekend, the group doesn't have to work, it would not be a good idea for me to play with my alchemist lab in my room. The next project will be to enchant my minion's weapons. Don't need another repeat of the specter that they couldn't hurt occur again.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

RTEL: ECL 7 Ozric Inaskari Wild Mage 7: Journal Entry 1

I am not sure what I am doing here with this band of hooligans, but I believe they will help me in unlocking some greater mysteries that I seek the knowledge to. Since I no longer have a body, I guess I can find some use in the other people in the group when my familiars don't want to fight.
I get so restless in this house each day that I have decided to take up alchemy. Brew a potion here and there sounds like a fun way to learn more about the wild nature of magic. Today my thoughts are not with me I have noticed. I have recently I have started to plan my next course of action with I intend to make with my new lab in my room. I think I will work on some rings next.... or armor enhancements.... a wand sounds like fun. Yes, a wand!
Anyways I'm getting distracted again. The group should be returning from their civil duties with the guard soon, where me and my minions are getting ready to go gather some much needed supplies from the local cavern that my group has been venturing off into each night.
Last time we were there, we had to deal with this black hole on the ground that the cleric kept falling into. Not the most graceful of the bunch, but he did devise a cleaver plan to trap it.
After that, it was just a matter of time before we found some trouble or more less trouble found us lol.
After the other mage in the party took care of the lookout, we interrupted apparently a ceremony of some sort. Evil practices of some sort that looked very crude if you ask me.
We dropped 3 of the humans with ease and fell the other two monstrous creatures in the room. The evil ring leader of the group was a little more challenging, but fell with minimal effort from the group.
After looting everything around... the cleric was getting mad about doors being locked and actually having a key for it, crazy you think he would be happy about it. Well anyways, after the bags were full, we ported back to town to sell the goods and they wanted to donate some of the worthless treasure and then everyone return for a nights of rest.
I continued to work on my project for the first day while the group went out to work. Now we are our current point in time, where they are getting their gear ready for another evening run into the caverns. Its good timing too, because I need more supplies to continue my projects.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

RTEL: ECL 10 Mithil Human Wizard 10: Journal Entry 7

Dear Auntie:

I hope this letter reaches you in good health.  I hope this news does not cause you to hemorrhage in shock.

I am a city guard.   You read that correctly.  I am a city guard!  Me!?

Five days a week, for eight hours a day, I walk a beat.  I do not know why. Something about hoping Paladins will serve us when my hope is to be more adept than any Paladin or Wizard who ever lived!

I do not even know why I am in this particular city but I am now co-owner of a house here!   A home owner, a beat cop, perhaps next I'll take up plumbing.  Then, the god of all nether disposal systems will give us three master plumbers to aid our cause!

The house does not have a laboratory or even a decent library.   Maybe I am the only one who reads?

To qualify for this position, I had to see if I could hit a stationary dummy with a lightening bolt.  Wow.  This is quite the elite operation I've joined.

I AM SERIOUS AUNTIE!  They said, "hey, wizard, can you hit that dummy?"  I said, "yes."   They said, "go ahead and just try."  A half second later the target dummy was vaporized.  No, the dummy was not animated.  It was a fixed target a few feet away from me.

They say wizards go insane but I think I am the only sane person left in this town.

In our off hours, we run to the mines to do the less important work of saving the world.

If I seem dispirited, I am.  I would write more but I have to start my patrol and retrieve drow cats from trees.

How did I go so wrong?

Your loving niece,


Sunday, March 6, 2016

RTEL: ECL 8 Vorkesh, Water Orc, Pugulist 6, Eye of Gruumsh 1, Warblade 1 JE#: Final

Well, life was going well. Had a house with a personal cook... how I'm going to miss eating. Well what was unexpected, I have perished. Not the way I planned on going out, but I guess ill just drift here in eternity with a hungry tummy.
The group and I went back to the caves and I went trap springing again. Collected some nice gems but that was normal. Then we came to this large banquet hall!!! I was so happy to find possibly some old food, but at last the stupid short bearded people that lived here didn't leave any.  So about that time the group wanted to know where we were at, so I reached for our map in the bag that I was holding it in.
As I was feeling around in the bad, I couldn't find it. Then it started to bite me. I was able to pull my arm free of the bag and it was trying to bite at me. I punched it a few times and then went back into it for another look for the map. This time something grabbed me and I was pulled into the bag........
That's all I remember and I have been here with just my thoughts about food..... I'm hungry I think.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

DM Entry: Verbobonc City Guard

Verbobonc City Guard Affiliation
Law enforcement badge for City of Verbobonc
Enforcement of laws within the city limits of Verbobonc
Enemies and Allies
Enemies include evil in all its forms, chaos in all its forms, drow surface raiders (drow terrorists). Allies include the Verbobonc Regional Guard and other local city guards within the region of Verbobonc.
Lord Velysin Claviger is currently the only captain, Fighter level 8. You must be a resident of the City of Verbobonc to join the Verbobonc City Guard.
6 (City Watch)

Affiliation Score Criteria
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 character level
Paladin or cleric of Zilchus
Base attack +5 or higher
Base attack +10 or higher
5 or more ranks in Intimidate
10 or more ranks in Intimidate
Donate weapons or armor to the City Guard
+1/ 1,000 gp value
Defeat a drow surface raiding party
+2 each
Fail to work a beat (1 week of 8 hour shifts)
-1 per week
Associates with drow
Inciter of public disorder

Affiliation Score
Titles, Benefits, and Duties
3 or lower
Probationary Recruit. Can bypass the gate inspections. Does not need to pay any taxes or fees for entry into the city of Verbobonc.
Cadet. You are considered a full member of the Verbobonc City Guard. You may walk around within the City of Verbobonc without peacebonding.
Veteran. You gain a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks within the City of Verbobonc.
Protector. Personal honor guard of 1d3+3 paladins, each of which has 1d3+3 levels.
Chevalier. Communications network allows you to make Gather Information checks throughout the Region of Verbobonc without requiring you to leave the City of Verbobonc.
30 or higher
Captain. Personal honor guard of 4d3 paladins, each of which has 4d3 levels. Captains face regular assassination attempts by drow terrorists, every 3d20 days. Uncover the operative with a DC 30 Gather Information check to avoid the assassination attempt. If you fail to uncover the operative, you must succeed on a DC 15 Fort save or die.

Executive Powers
Holiday. (A captain of the city guard can designate holidays. Player’s Handbook II 187)
Law. (A captain of the city guard can write and enforce law for the City of Verbobonc. Player’s Handbook II 187).
Mint. (A captain of the city guard can mint coins with his own face on them. Player’s Handbook II 188).