Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Another Interesting Tie-In between D&D and Christmas

Gary Gygax wrote an article way back in 1969 in a Christian magazine about Christmas.

Many people didn't know Gary was a Christian, but he apparently came out of the closet as a Christian just weeks before he passed away. I have included links to this coming out video, numbers one, two, and four. Video three seems to have been lost to the internet. The reason, I believe, for his secrecy for so long about his religion was because he didn't want to smear Christianity considering the undeserved bad reputation that Dungeons & Dragons had gained among Christianity over the decades.

DM Entry: Santa the Gift Giver (unofficially updated to 3.5)

Yes there is an officially published Santa Claus for D&D 3.0. It was published on wizards.com back in 2001. So here is my unofficial update to 3.5 of Santa the Gift Giver. The stats posted here have been added to Tome of Monsters III.pdf and uploaded to the google drive.

Santa the Gift Giver

CR 20
Male human druid 13, cleric 5, rogue 2
wizards.com 3.0; updated to 3.5 here
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Normal human senses; Listen +7, Spot +7
Aura good (see detect evil)
Languages All languages (see cap of all-speaking)
AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 23
     (Dex +1, Armor +8, Natural +5)
hp 156 (20 HD)
Immune poison
Resist cold 5, fire 5; +4 on saves vs fey spell-like abilities
Fort +19, Ref +13, Will +25; evasion
Speed 30 ft; trackless step, woodland stride
Melee Santa’s staff of animals +14/+9/+4 (1d6+1/ 20 x2)
Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Base Attack +13; Grapple +14
Attack Options Sneak attack +1d6, turn undead 6/day (turn check 1d20+3, turn damage 2d6+8)
Special Actions A thousand faces, trapfinding, wild empathy, wild shape 4/day
Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 5/6/5/4, Domains (Good and Knowledge), spell penetration +5, spontaneously cast cure spells)
     3rd level—clairaudience/ clairvoyance D, magic vestment, remove curse, water walk
     2nd level—calm emotions, detect thoughts D, make whole, resist energy, shield other
     1st level—command, comprehend languages, detect evil, protection from evil D, remove fear, sanctuary
     0th level—create water, detect magic, guidance, resistance, virtue
Druid Spells Prepared (caster level 13, spell penetration +13, spontaneously cast summon nature’s ally spells)
     7th level—heal, true seeing
     6th level—find the path, mass cure light wounds, transport via plants
     5th level—awaken, control winds, tree stride (x2)
     4th level—cure serious wounds, dispel magic, freedom of movement (x2), sleet storm
     3rd level—cure moderate wounds, dominate animal, neutralize poison, protection from energy, remove disease, quench
     2nd level—barkskin, charm person or animal, hold animal (x2), lesser restoration, speak with animals, wood shape
     1st level—animal friendship, calm animals, detect animals or plants, invisibility to animals, obscuring mist (x2), pass without trace
     0th level—create water, detect poison, know direction, light, mending, purify food and drink
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 24, Cha 16
Special Qualities Animal companion, nature’s sense
Feats Combat Expertise, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Great Fortitude, Improved Disarm, Iron Will, Leadership, Magical Artisan (Craft Wondrous Item)
Skills Concentration +13, Craft (toy making) +11, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +6, Gather Information +8, Handle Animal +13, Heal +22, Knowledge (geography) +17, Knowledge (nature) +8, Move Silently +24, Open Lock +24, Profession (teamster) +12, Profession (toy maker) +12, Ride +3, Survival +17
Possessions Bag of tricks (tan), belt of control weather (3/day), boots of spider climbing (as the slippers), bracers of armor +8, cap of all-speaking (understand and speak all languages), cloak of resistance +4, flying sleigh (as 5 ft by 10 ft carpet of flying, needs reindeer for steering), Keoghtom’s ointment (x3), Santa’s staff of animals (see below), periapt of wisdom +6, ring of natural armor +5, sack of holding (as bag of holding type 4) (holds about 9,000 gp worth of toys and minor protective, healing, or nonviolent magic items), vest of weather resistance (provides cold and fire resistance 5).
Santa’s Staff of Animals This finely crafted wooden staff is adorned with gold, detailed emerald enamelwork, and bells; it’s crowned with a carving of a reindeer. It allows the use of the following spells: animal trance (1 charge), calm animals (1 charge), charm person or animal (1 charge), dominate animal (1 charge), hide from animals (1 charge), speak with animals (1 charge); Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, animal trance, calm animals, charm person or animal, dominate animal, hide from animals, speak with animals; Market Price: 28,125 gp.
A Thousand Faces (Su) Santa Claus has the ability to change his appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell, but only while in his normal form. This affects Santa’s body but not his possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of Santa’s appearance, within the limits described for the spell.
Animal Companion (Ex) All of Santa Claus’s reindeer animal companions have been awakened with the awaken spell and no longer count as animal companions (they are now magical beasts instead of animals). He may acquire other animal companions if he feels the need.
Evasion (Ex) Santa Claus can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if Santa is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Nature Sense (Ex) Santa Claus gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex) Santa Claus gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.
Sneak Attack If Santa Claus can catch an opponent when she is unable to defend herself effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Santa’s attack deals extra damage any time his target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when Santa flanks his target. Should Santa score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, Santa can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty. Santa can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. Santa must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Santa cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Trackless Step (Ex) Santa Claus leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. He may choose to leave a trail if so desired.
Trapfinding Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A rogue who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
Turn Undead (Su) Santa Claus has the power to affect undead creatures by channeling the power of his faith through his holy symbol. Santa can turn or destroy undead creatures. He may attempt to turn undead a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. A cleric with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion) gets a +2 bonus on turning checks against undead.
Venom Immunity (Ex) Santa Claus is immune to all poisons.
Wild Empathy (Ex) Santa Claus can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. He rolls 1d20 and adds his druid level (+13) and his Charisma modifier (+3) to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, Santa Claus and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. Santa Claus can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Wild Shape (Su) Santa Claus has the ability to turn himself into any Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large animal or plant and back again 4 times per day. His options for new forms include all creatures with the animal type. This ability functions like the alternate form special ability, except as noted here. The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level (13 hours), or until he changes back. Changing form (to animal or back) is a standard action and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Each time he uses wild shape, he regains hit points as if he had rested for a night. Any gear worn or carried melds into the new form and becomes nonfunctional. When he reverts to his true form, any objects previously melded into the new form reappear in the same location on his body that they previously occupied and are once again functional. Any new items worn in the assumed form fall off and land at his feet. The form chosen must be that of an animal Santa Claus is familiar with. He loses his ability to speak while in animal form because he is limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal can make, but he can communicate normally with other animals of the same general grouping as his new form. (The normal sound a wild parrot makes is a squawk, so changing to this form does not permit speech.) The new form’s Hit Dice can’t exceed Santa’s druid level. (Santa can’t use this ability to take the form of a plant that isn’t a creature.)
Woodland Stride (Ex) Santa Claus may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.
Strategy and Tactics Santa Claus dislikes violence and prefers to deal with opponents using words rather than direct action. He casts spells that soothe emotions, charm enemies, negate hostile magic, and remove people from harm’s way rather than trying to harm his adversaries. He would much rather divert or distract an opponent, remove himself, his allies, and any innocents from the area, then send a more martial person to deal with the situation.
Society Santa Claus is generous, kind, friendly, and jolly. He loves a good conversation, good meals, and working with his hands. He is particularly protective of children, and threatening a child is one of the few things that can rouse his ire. He is patient with fools and the misguided, but deals harshly with bad-tempered or violent folk. He gives small gifts to any children or innocent folk he encounters, and has been known to help out good-minded people in need with small magic items that can heal, protect, or aid without causing harm to others. He often uses animal friendship to befriend local animals, then dismisses the bond when he has to leave. He even uses awaken on pets of vulnerable children, entrusting them to secretly watch over their two-legged friends.

Awakened Reindeer

CR 4
Awakened reindeer; use pony stats for reindeer; Ranger 2
Usually Neutral Medium Magical Beast
Init +1; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Listen +9, Spot +9
Languages Sylvan
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
     (Dex +1, Natural +5)
hp 62 (6 HD)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +1
Speed 40 ft; Run
Melee 2 hooves +1 (1d3); reindeer hooves are always considered secondary natural weapons
Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Base Attack +6; Grapple +6
Attack Options Favored enemy (magical beast) +2
Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 5
Special Qualities Awakened
Feats Endurance, Improved Toughness, Run, Track B
Skills Balance +9, Jump +10, Knowledge (nature +2), Listen +9, Spot +9, Survival +9, Tumble +3
Possessions Reindeer in a sleigh team wear a harness of natural armor +5 which overlaps (does not stack) with the creature’s +2 natural armor
Favored Enemy (Ex) Each of Santa’s reindeer gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against Magical Beasts. Likewise, they get a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
Wild Empathy (Ex) Any of Santa’s reindeer can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The reindeer rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the reindeer and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The reindeer can also use this ability to influence a Magical Beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Alignment Usually Neutral
Society Santa is quite prolific in awakening reindeer. So far, he has awakened the following 69 reindeer:

Sleigh Team Alpha—Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder, and Blixem.
Sleigh Team Beta (Backup)—Steven, Fluffy, Horace, Chantel, Skippy, Rainbow, Patches, and Montel
Sleigh Team Gamma (used only for especially arduous journeys or heavy hauls)—Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder, Blixem, Bruce, Marvin, Leon, Cletus, George, Bill, Slick, Do-right, Fred, Ace, Clyde, Blackie, Queenie, Prince, Spot, and Rover
Sleigh Team Delta (Retired, used briefly after the creation of sleigh team alpha)—Flossie, Glossie, Racer, Pacer, Fearless, Peerless, Ready, Steady, Feckless, and Speckless

The follow are not on a sleigh team for one reason or another, but are part of Santa’s awakened 69 reindeer:
Arrow—Rudolph’s cousin, and son of Cupid
Blizzard—daughter of Blixem and Delphi
Chet—recently awakened
Clarice—one of Rudolph’s girlfriends
Delphi—mother of Blizzard, mate of Blixem
Fireball—a son of Blixem
Frost—husband of Vixen, father of Holly
Jingle—delivers toys
Jonni—stepbrother of Niko
Lenni—husband of Oona
Lightning—recently awakened
Holly—daughter of Frost and Vixen
Max—an awakened dog that thinks it’s an awakened reindeer
Mitzi—Rudolph’s mother; Blixem had an affair with Mitzi at the same time Dunder was dating Mitzi, thus Mitzi doesn’t know if Rudolph is the son of Blixem or Dunder
Niko—untamed, a son of Prancer and Oona, stepbrother of Jonni
Olive—an awakened dog who wishes he was an awakened reindeer
Oona—ex-wife of Prancer, mother of Niko
Ralph—Rudolph’s brother who also has a birth defect, an infrared glowing nose
Robbie—a son of Rudolph, has a nose with supernatural powers of jumping higher and flying faster than other awakened reindeer
Rudolph—has been exiled for two reasons: First, he has an embarrassing birth defect—a glowing red nose; second, his mother doesn’t know if Dunder or Blixem is his father.
Rusty—a younger brother of Rudolph, unable to fly Santa’s sleigh
Scratcher—a reindeer that ended up becoming evil
Shadrach—a beautiful black reindeer
Thrasher—a permanently enlarged awakened reindeer, Dasher’s second cousin
Tundra—anxiously desires to be on a sleigh team
Zoey—one of Rudolph’s girlfriends

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

DM Entry: Locating, Buying, and Selling Magic Items

This entry updates the house rules for buying and selling magic items. You can find a pdf of this on the google drive titled: Aryathan Jiil Locating, Buying, and Selling Magic Items.pdf

1.      Availability

a.    There are no magic item shops (except for the rare Mercane and other such oddities)
b.  You can only locate and purchase magic items from an affiliation in which you have at least 1 rank
                        i.     Commonly Available: Items with an item level less than your effective character level are easy to find, always available (subject to local GP Limits), and can be picked up at time of purchase
                      ii.     Hard to Find: Items with an item level equal to your effective character level have a percent chance of availability (check daily) equal to your affiliation score (subject to local GP Limits), and take 1d10 days to acquire minus 1 day per affiliation rank (min 0, in which case it is on hand at time of purchase). Exotic weapons, exotic armor, specific magic weapons, and specific magic armor are always at least “Hard to Find.”
                   iii.     Cutting Edge: Items with an item level that is exactly one more than your effective character level have a percent chance of availability (check daily) equal to your affiliation score minus the item level (subject to local GP Limits), and take 1d10 weeks to acquire minus 1 week per affiliation rank (min 0, in which case the item is on hand at time of purchase)
                    iv.     Unattainable: Items with an item level that is 2 or more than your effective character level are unattainable

2.     Prices

a.    Commonly Available items are available at normal price
b.  Hard to Find items are available at normal price and require a retainer of half the price up front
c.   Cutting Edge items are more difficult to get your hands on, costing double the normal price and require a retainer of the full price up front

3.    Selling Items

a.    It is generally very difficult to sell magic items on the open market, and doing so marks you to the local thieves guilds, beggars guilds, and perhaps even the assassins guilds
b.  You can sell magic items to your affiliation for half price to avoid drawing unwanted attention from those guilds mentioned above.

4.    Item Level (see Magic Item Compendium  page 226)

Monday, December 19, 2016

Savage Tide Ecl 8 Sir Maxilimiun Vanderboren Kensi 4 Anointed knight 4 Entry 1

Odd People

It appears that my rescuers are less then i expected in some regards not to disregard this blessing but it could be better. So lets start analyzing who I've ended up meeting this time.

Lets start with the Dwarf

He has quite the knack for magic quite odd for a dwarf or at least it was in my time. But he seems quite adept at actively raping the cycle of life with those damned undead.

The Sorcerer

He seems to have disregarded the ideals of devastating spells but negating that loss with speed and power at all costs the man even payed off the bookworm to mutate himself extra arms with magic but not only that he permanently sealed this mutation on his body what would drive one to do so.

The Wizard

Quite the likable fellow besides his constant complaints about his old age, He has a decent amount of versatility lacks some redeeming factors such as humility when it comes to the natural spellcasting of others.

The Bookworm

Seems to be a knowledgeable fellow but seems to value gold over morals most of the time, Sometimes i wonder where his knowledge comes from it must surely be natural.

The Ooze

That thing was creepy as all hell that says enough

The Lizard Thing

Seems to lack personality but makes up for it with a decently powerful bow, No real interesting traits i have observed, But the race as a whole seems to be no longer be isolated to islands as i have seen a decent few on the mainland four of five years ago.

The Truenamer

I honestly thought they died out a long time ago as during the Crusades's we used to think their power originated from the Hells, Looking Back on it now that may have been a slight mistake as that caused quite a drop in their frequency and pointless loss of life. But back to the point he seems to actively inspire greater acts of courage among this rabble ive found myself in.

The Druid

A odd one seems to take defeat as a sign that he must improve to deal with it if it were to ever arise again and seems oddly unbothered by the dwarfs undead creations.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Savage Tide: ECL 12 Aconitum Bane: Sorcerer 6 Swiftblade 6: Entry 6

Its been a while since I have had any time to reflect on my thoughts it feels like lately. So after the invasion, we went back and got the Fonico. However, something about myself just didn't feel right.
What was I doing with my life?
So over the last few months I have been trying to find myself. With the Abyssal Hate that started within me, I have tried different paths to include hand to hand combat, and all sorts of other 'adventures'... I realized life is too short.
I started using any means I could to go faster and faster until I realized it has been having some other effects on my body. At first the haste spell speed me up and I could get more things done. Then after the spell wore off, my body became adjusted to some of the effects..... I was getting faster.
So I have now combined my sorcery and hand to hand combat I have dabbled in to now find a way to live two complete lives in one lol.
I recall a story when I was younger of a God, Chronepsis.... he was neither good nor bad, never spoke, and respected by all. It was said that he sits inside his cave, knowing everything, walking the halls of his caverns that are lined with hourglasses. Each hourglass represents the lifespan of a dragon... I wonder if its only dragons he watches? I think I will seek more about this god.
With this great speed I think I got ahead of myself earlier today. You know slay a few monsters here and there. Hooked Horrors, so massive in size, still were too slow to hit me. Same went for the vine monster on the roof that tried to hit me.
What got me in trouble.. a magic deck of cards. In my haste I pulled three cards from this magic deck. I don't know but the deck spoke to me, not verbally, but I felt like it bestowed some knowledge to me. I could sense it was trying to warn me of some impeding danger in my future. In the end it said one thing that rang out to me....Orcus. I stepped back from the deck and dropped it on the ground. I recall other stories of Orcus... and with the abyssal hate that grew within me from my past... I knew it was nothing compared to the feeling of hate Orcus could hold for his enemies.
As soon as the deck dropped to the floor, a brilliant flash of light erupted in front of me. When I opened my eyes, dressed in armor and brandishing a large shield and sword, a knight knelt before me.
He said it name was Ord and that he was there to serve me and help protect me. He pledged his loyalty to me in front of me... then I got a flash of fear within me.... all I could think about was the name Orcus.
I feel that something bad is coming for me. I have no time to waste!

Savage Tide: Lightless Depths; ECL 12 Garrik von Keizer Wizard 12; Fifth Entry

          After a brief encounter with some Hooked Horrors things went 'sideways.'

          Seeming immediately after the battle one of our companions had been sucked into a silver dagger, a malnourished dragonborn claimed to be over a thousand years old, and we found possible the most dangerous set of cards in existence.

          More on the vanishing ally in a bit, but the dragonborn said that he was Sir Maxilimiun Vanderboren, ancestor to Lavinia Vanderboren. Unlikely to be sure, however the Professor took him to town and verified his identity with Lavinia. I am still skeptical of his identity as it would not be difficult to, with some effort, to assume anyone's place.

          After their return we continued and dispatched a rather unwholesome beast with clever use of spells and brute force. At the bottom of this spiral pit we found the creatures corpse. It had been... eviscerated by stalagmites. It had consumed many of unfortunate creatures and adventurers as it was full of equipment and metal coins it could not digest. Unusually there was a unscathed, small wooden box. it was opened to reveal a set of cards. Damn myself for not recognizing them earlier, this ancient magic is more of a practical joke made by the gods than anything else. Before I could get my hands on them many of our troupe had drawn from it, some benefited, most did not. Our member in the dagger even pulled some on his own. He is no longer in the dagger.

          I finally managed to snatch it out from someones hands and was about to will the cards away, but something called to me. I could hear the cards whispering to me to pull from the deck. A urge I i could not resist.

          Two cards. One to change my fate. The other was my soul being lost in the eternal darkness of the void. I snapped out of my stupor just in time to feel darkness over coming me. I'm still here so figure out what my next action was. After that I wanted me to give the deck over. This time i was prepared and refused its request. Three more times it asked and three times I refused. I place it back in the box and it vanished soon after.

         I feel some resentment from the group for my actions. Perhaps I should have given them the chance for Oblivion, but then they would have a chance for more power, and I couldn't very well let that happen. Of all the cards that were drawn I do not know what the overgrown lizard got but when it looked me in the eye I was filled with an intense desire to disintegrate it.

          I still do.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

DM Entry: New Flaws (by special request)

Some new flaws have been created but not yet play tested, so just be aware that you use them at risk of updates. These new flaws also introduces a new kind of flaw, the Duel-Flaw. A duel-flaw counts as two flaws.

The new flaws are named:
Blind in One Eye
Burrow Symbrachydactyly (Duel-Flaw)
Chronic Illness (Duel-Flaw)
Clamber Symbrachydactyly (Duel-Flaw)
Club Foot
Deaf in One Ear
Flightless (Duel-Flaw)
Paraplegic (Duel-Flaw)
Severely Crippled (Duel-Flaw)
Single-Handed Symbrachydactyly
Swim Bladder Disorder (Duel-Flaw)
Two-Handed Symbrachydactyly

Along with these new flaws, some of the homebrew feats were slightly tweaked. I'm pretty sure no one is currently using any of these feats (or has ever used them).

If you want to use or more of the new flaws, you may take this opportunity to swap out a flaw to pick up a new one (or if you haven't taken all the flaws you are allowed, you can grab one of these new ones to fill them up and get your bonus feats that you normally get from flaws).

All of this information is on the google drive in the Aryathan Jiil Skills and Feats.pdf.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Savage Tide Ecl 10 Angron Gryphon 10 (Monster class) Exiting a very short retirement.

Day 1015

Ive decided to return to find the adventures I abandoned as one of them can finally answer my questions. As if that man is truly a thousand years old he must know what i seek.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Ecl 10 Angron Gryphon 10 (Monster class) Temporary retirement 1

Day 1015

I have visited vanderboren manor only to find Lavinia looking as if she had seen a ghost simply claiming to have met one of her ancestors. And to my knowledge is simply impossible. Sadly for most of the one sided conversations i cant write fast enough to properly respond to her statements but if what she said is true i may soon find all my questions answered.

Savage Tide Ecl 7 Sir Maxilimiun Vanderboren Kensi 4 Anointed knight 3 Right and probably truthful bio continued

Years of the crusade

This will answer some most likely standing questions, Yes i am indeed over one thousand years old but i still feel the price was too high. The crusade I lead thousands to their deaths although they knew the risks when they gathered below my banner and i gladly led them to my selfish quest for immortality but even then they followed. I corralled them blindly across the world in that time i had lived my lifetime and so i willingly accepted my new form and the new life i was given as one of the dragonborn of Bahamut. I had went to the far east and there we had found it The fountain of youth I was slightly disappointed to find it was more of an underground spring of youth. But never the less. The cave that contained my goal was explored by my few surviving officers and myself with but a mere chalice of the water to each one of us. The cave began to collapse and the fountain was lost but to belief we would be immortal and so the crusade was over 120 years of travel thousands of losses.All for the immortality of five men and with the gift of eternal life i learned the swordsmanship of the far east and adapted to the use of a offhand blade forgoing defense in favor of greater offence. Afterward i returned to protect the future of the vanderboren family and so was my downfall as it only allowed me to grow slow and contempt but still remained vigilant enough to defend from the would be assassins that dare threaten the family name. Until i was contempt with the safety and joined the farshore expedition with my great great great great great great great great Grandson and there i ventured into a cave and was lost within the depths for nearly 3 years and in that time without my vigilance Verik and Larissa were killed by their son Vanthus the same fiend that stole my armor and sword.

Savage Tide Ecl 7 Sir Maxilimiun Vanderboren Kensi 4 Anointed knight 3 Right and probably truthful bio

Stories of a less stored Solider

Honestly writing in my journal to deceive people is probably not the best way to continue forward now. Considering the fact that a group of average adventures literally ran through my backstory with little but hunches I probably shouldn't try the only thing that kept my existence a secret for around one thousand years going. At least i can tell the full story now, More then a thousand years ago I sought immortality more then just basic power of withstanding time but to also ward physical damage. Now many people may consider this quest selfish and corrupt but that was not the intent you may now wonder why the the vanderboren family has garnered a lack of being assassinated over the past thousand years or so? Well in my time spent timelessly ive been safeguarding the family as a whole the best can. Of course there are problems such as the time i was actively uncovered but to my advantage you see. Verik had been at the right place at the wrong time and had me more then unprepared for his appearance so early of course being in a manor that was locked at night more then startled the man and for the first time i had to explain myself. Now Verik being as he was accepted my explanation and together we forged my cover story of being his long lost brother. funnily enough it had been so long some people became superstitious of the vanderborens family survival rate when attacked by an unseen force of course some people who escaped my judgement claimed that a man uncaring of wounds or time always was present in these cases. nobody could prove i existed so a myth was created that the vanderborens were protected by celestials. But this was a double edged sword as i grew slow and contempt with life as the years dragged by uneventfully until the first farshore expedition began and well the story was obvious from here on out

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Savage Tide-Lightless Depths-ECL 10-Erimar Neirdre-1 Marshal/9 Truenamer-Entry 4

What to say. We went to speak with the Dragon turtle and successfully negotiated safe passage. He also gave us directions to the base that the Crimson Fleet is getting their shadow pearls from. We entered the complex and found some trogs that had some kind of disease. After dispatching a few gate guards we went deeper into the complex which stretched for miles. We came upon a cave filled with trogs involved in some kind of dark ritual and were able to stop it before anything came of it.

Savage Tide: Lightless Depths; ECL 11 Garrik von Keizer Wizard 11; Fourth Entry cont.

          Stupid, stupid, stupid man! What was I thinking? It is only by the greatest of luck and probably divine favor that I am alive to write this. For the first and last time I was on the front lines of a battle facing down a monster that devours people whole an eats away at the flesh with a kind of digestive acid I don't even want to comprehend. If she were alive I would thank the Yuan-Ti for the wand, without it I am sure we would have died or not been able to complete the mission. Thanks to Erimar and my quick thinking we dispatched, the now 4 Black Puddings, nearly single handed. 

Savage Tide: Lightless Depths; ECL 11 Garrik von Keizer Wizard 11; Fourth Entry

          Our mission to the Turtle turned out much better then I had hoped. Not only did he accept the bargain he also told us where a main enemy outpost is. We also managed to procure another ally from the Dragon Turtle, to which i am guessing was stuck in the creatures teeth. Do Dragon turtles have teeth? Never mind it does not matter. This fellow is a strange one however. He is a ooze but unlike any I have seen, only read about in compendiums. Regardless the fellow seems incapable of speech even when he assumes a humanoid form, but seems to understand us quite well.

          We have made out way to the pirate cove and are met with a putrid odor of disease and death upon entering the mouth. We were beset by a pestilent animal native to this region, a rather large lizard with what i can only describe as fish-like spines running from neck to tail. It was dispatched easily enough. We were then alerted to the familiar smell and presents of Troglodytes who I'm sure felt save behind a locked iron gate. Our new friend dispelled that illusion. The green Forest Wizard thought it a good idea to use spells on these pitiful creatures. Were it a swarm I would be inclined to follow suit, but being only 5 it did not seem prudent to apply mine own efforts to the problem. It was rather funny when a few of them slipped on the newly formed ice.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Savage tide; Ecl-8 silent tounge; fighter-8

This is the first time ive wroten one of these werd mesages to those who car abot it. im not a good redr or writr as you can tell. i will try to get betr in secret but i dont think i can. agan sory for bad hand writng im not the best but hey im not the worst ither. this is my first time doing this lik i said. this is silint tong.

Savage Tide Sir Maximiliun Vanderboren Bio

Story's of a storied solder.

There was once a time where my life didn't go from conflict to conflict joining one crusade to another. I have trecked to the far east and back but i still remember a far simpler life about 30 about 30 years ago. I used to live in cauldron of course i only lived there to spread the vanderboren family name a bit farther across content a bit funny i used to care about such things like the family name being well known. There i met my wife and things were well for about a year or so of course all good things must come to an end. The end came in the form of a necromancer of course I liked living on the very fringes of town and therefore made the manor an easy target. I was unable to much about the situation all the people within were dead when i returned from the inner city not even a body left unconverted in to one of those vile abominations and so i swore my vengeance against the very principle of evil itself. Less then less then a year later i joined my first crusade to reclaim a lost artifact of Heironeous being a bit of a religious man i had worshiped Heironeous, and Bahamut for quite some time and with a simple show of the pair of only symbols i carried i was a mere footman carrying my uncles longsword and a freshly purchased chain shirt i departed onwards carting forth of the glorious ideals of battle in my head. The crusade was a long bloody affair lasting nearly ten years battering against the forces of Lich until there was not a undead to be risen. I met many great men and witnessed the death of a saint i dont even know how i lived through the many campaigns i joined but each time rising in rank and prestige till i became one of the part of the elite core of the crusades still but a mere recruit among the great paladins. and so after 3 long crusades of bloodshed i received a letter from my brother Veirk who wished to found a colony having not seen him for almost 30 years i was eager to visit and with the blessing of those i once fought beside i was teleported to my old family home. only to be rushed to the docks and set off I apparently was a few weeks late to the party. my brother was quite stunned to see me in my new glorious form as in the time since he had last seen me was before i became one of the Dragon born of the Bahamut. On the way to the place he designated for the colony it was probably the first time i had to reflect on my life in years. It was too calm the mere silence nearly drove me mad but i began to cope with the lack of danger and it was quite enjoyable until we reached a place called krakens cove where we were attacked by a pirate ship.
Of the few things found on the ship was a gryphon it looked as if it had been in war as long as i but i payed little attention to it during the rest of the trip to preoccupied with my reignited paranoia. in what felt like forever we arrived and so i a party was gathered and we begain to create a small colony by the name of Farshore nice place but i desired to explore the island so i took with me a couple of guides from the natives we met and group of able explores. the inhabitants were of little threat giant reptilians with simple minds. We came apon a cave. And well you know the rest of the story

Friday, December 9, 2016

Savage Tide Ecl 7 (thanks Theo) Sir Maximiliun Vanderboren Kensi 4 Anointed knight 3 Entry 1

Entry 338

Its been so long since i last wrote it feels as if time is slipping away i should have known not to go spelunking with those damned tribals treacherous bastereds the both of em. I dont know how ive lived this long i should have died long ago yet on the brink i find a boon once more its as if Heironeous has something planed for me but will never make it clear. Over the time ive been down here i wonder what has become of the rest of the Vanderboren family why if I ever escape i must find out but for now i have more to worry about i began to hear faint echoes down the tunnels problem is ive never heard explosions down here before. Maybe those damned trogs have found gunpowder if that is so i fear for the stability of this cave system, But where there is gunpowder there is more advanced people and possible rescue , maybe i shall once more crusade against the vile darkness in the quest to avenge my long past wife Eleanor. 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Savage tide Ecl 10 angron gryphon monstrer class Retirement

Day 1014

I'm taking leave of this group I have grown to know I'll leave my journal and amulet with them I'm returning to farshore to learn More about the fate of the vanderborn family I'll most likely frequent vanderborn manor if you wish to visit me.

Sincerely Angron

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Savage Tide: Fleet Invasion; ECL 10 Garrik von Keizer Wizard 10; Third Entry

          Aside from a few uneventful fights only a few items of note are worth writing down.

          The first, and what I am most exited about was the great library on the plane of Mechanus. Unfortunately they can be very hostile to other entities that disagree with them. A bit extreme but what can you expect from magical constructs with free will.

          The second item, loathe as I am to say it or have done it, I have joined the Witch Wardens. Regardless of our history together they have decided to reinstate my rank as a White Dagger. With our new agreement we should be getting along just fine now. As much as I dislike the policies and methods of the Wardens their resources will become quite useful as time goes on.

          Now we are off to meet with or slay a legendary giant turtle. I suspect they meant a Dragon Turtle, or maybe that's what Lavinia said. Wasn't really paying attention to be honest. Far be it from me to tell my companions want to do, but i think we are sufficiently strong enough, if not there is always a way out for a Mage.