Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Mithil & Fluteria

A thin wisp of a young girl sat in the corner of the hotel room where her companions had gathered.  Her robe seemed to swallow her as she rocked back and forth.  Even though she shivered with cold she kept her distance from the fire around which her comrades clustered.  The magnificent butterfly preening in her palm captured all of her attention.

Fluteria’s language was of aerial dance.  She could communicate vast and elegant nuance with subtle movement.  If only Mithil’s spell casting was as expressive as her movements….

“Mithil, it’s cold!”  The butterfly screamed this with a movement that darted towards Mithil’s left eye.  Abashed, Mithil warmed her hands with a cantrip to just the temperature her friend loved.

“Better?”  She whispered to her friend, even if the rest could hear, as the little being returned to her palm.

Fluteria radiated contentment and there was no need for more words. 

“Mithil?”  The butterfly looked at her expectantly and then danced in her palm to say, “you zoned out again, didn’t you?’

“I’m sorry baby.  I marvel at you.”  Mithil again kept her voice to a whisper because Fluteria had remarkable hearing for such a tiny being.

The butterfly indignantly flew away and did a gyrating, counterclockwise circle around the mercenaries’ head.  The motions were mocking and disturbingly obscene.

Mithil’s expression soured, “no, I do not care at all about that one.  I have to act nice to her because I need her.”

The tiny butterfly managed to flutter with skepticism.  She swept her wings wide, asking, “and the rest of them?”

Mithil sighed, “well you saw the duskblade sit in front of a bar radiating cold evil without a care.  I think not.”  Fluteria actually managed an audible laugh at this, nodding with mirth at the memory.

Mithil shuddered, “and the cleric, Hilvin, he and that damned spell…. Who would risk that, ten years off of a life!  No skill, not chance of fighting back to where you were meant to be.  Just “bam!” ten years gone!”

Fluteria looked at Mithil gravely until Mithil responded, “I don’t know Flute.  Ten years would kill most butterflies but I do not know about you.  We will not do it again.  I promise.  Not until I am certain.”

Fluteria communicated her unease that she had gone through the portal even once.   Mithil stroked the little being’s wings lovingly, letting sparkles of light fall onto the delicate form of her friend, “really, I promise.  Never again.  I am sorry.  I didn’t want to do it but should have asked you.”

Only slightly mollified, the butterfly, turned her attention to the window where the ranger and the dog boy stood outside in rain with the cart.

“Flute, I don’t know about them.  The dog boy is obviously crazy and unreliable.   He is, after all, part dog!  I’ve not said two words to the ranger.  I do not know those two.”

Fluteria continued her dance, only it there was a tinge of awe in her movements.  

Mithil nodded, “yes, the angel… who can say about such beings?  Both male and female and divine… wait… Fluteria….”

The butterfly stopped in mid dance, looking nervous.  If a butterfly could blush…

Mithil laughed out loud, the first noise the group at the fire could hear.  She returned her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “reeeaAALLYYY?!  How very interesting!  You have a thing for the intersex angel?!”

The butterfly swooped up and landed on Mithil’s nose, making Mithil’s eyes cross.  Her chittering was audible, “no!  I just find her and him beautiful!”  The butterfly flew back to Mithil’s palm in a huff.

“Flute, you are sulking!  I’m only kidding.  I do not care if she is intersex… but she’s an angel and she’s…,” Mithil struggled for a way to say this last bit delicately, “somewhat larger than you.”

Fluteria stomped out two words, "Not sulking!”

Mithil laughed lovingly, “you know, Flute, you have a ways to progress before any being other than me would even be able to talk with you.   Are you not content to be mine?”

The wizard conjured a bit more heat to warm her friend, “and I do love you.”

Fluteria pantomimed being torn in half.

Mithil grimaced because the pantomime was so realistic, “Okay, okay, don’t’ do that!  You know I hate it when you do that.” 

Mithil considered her words, “Fluteria, you are my only friend in this world.  I will work to become a better wizard so we can find a solution.  You have my word.”

Mithil hesitated before considering, “but, dear friend, what is it you want?  Is it this angel?  Or is it more?”

Fluteria’s dance was expansive of her hopes and dreams.  It lasted for a full five minutes.  Mithil found herself speechless, silently weeping, and burying them both in her overlarge robes.  It was a private moment they would never share.  She said the words to match the dance.

“You want another metamorphosis... you want to be my equal, not familiar. . .”  

“You want to love me from a point of independence; where that might lead you do not know any more than the rest of us.  You want a full life….. you said more but my words are not as expressive as your dance little beauty.”

They both sat in their own version of silence for half an hour before Mithil spoke.

“Fluteria Brealshil, I promise you this,” Mithil said these words formally and the words took on a power of their own, more than a simple promise between friends.

The butterfly hovered in front of Mithil’s face, gazing with hope, as Mithil continued.

“I will work for your next metamorphism.  Nothing is more important to me.   I will do all that can be done but it will take time.”

The little being circled Mithil’s face with inaudible, fluid, whoops of joy.  Her fluttering wings kissed Mithil’s face.

“Fluteria Brealshil, there is more.”   Mithil looked stern, “and you know what you have to do?”

Fluturia chittered, “not” and then feigned a death spiral falling back to Mithil’s pale palm.  Fluteria was motionless on her back.

Mithil grimaced at the realism of the dance “yes! You must not die and this is no joke!  Stay alive so you are more intelligent with age and I have more to help you with.  I KNOW if you aged without progress that would be a loss.  But listen, dear friend.  Just stay alive.  That’s all I ask.   Even if I appear to die, save yourself.  You must live so another can complete my promise.   I will write a note as soon as possible to my Aunt so there can be another if I fall.”

With that somber note, Fluteria nestled into her sleeping pouch, a caged construct designed so that Mithil could not accidently crush her friend, and the two drifted to sleep bonded together.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Return to the temple of evil ECL 5: Factoteum 1, Duskblade 3 , Warblade 1,Entry#6

After body bagging all hostile lifeforms from within the temple and ending the ball set up by the king ,our crew proceeded to search the outside remaining buildings.

The beat-down home looking like it was caved in was inhabited by some hostiles that missed out on the party in the temple. Being rather cautious and sometimes over predicting the enemies' strength I assumed the multiple sets of eyes and coordinated attacks may have been a bBeholder. How wrong was I! Once our mercenary and the cleric decided to tag team a trap door within the home and I half busting my ass on a 10 ft drop, trying to spear whatever was shooting at me from a hole below, , we found a scared hobgoblin family trying to survive.

Man were the fighter and I pissed she was sprayed by fire and I , by i some overseeing force cursed me not to be able to make a simple 10 ft drop as a grown man . I mean come on, as a kid I used to hop out of tower windows like that and not get a scratch . I swear something other than the Mighty Wombat is trying to oversee our demise and heartaches. After all this bullshit and the bad reception we received from the temple there had to be some sort of compensation. Asking for some question in regards as what to expect in the half destroyed tower I received a response in half broken common ;slaves ,pets, and more guards. Supposedly none human , wanting some compensation I snatched at the goblin with the crossbow for his magical shit in his pocket . Puling out a gold armband and a potion i threw back the gold item and took the potion as compensation for bodily harm towards me for this whole trip. I am no thief I just belief in rightful retribution and proper compensation for troubles whether you give me what I deem appropriate as to what I went through is another story, but I am no thief just honorable quester that should be rewarded in proper value .

Heading towards the tower I volunteer to bust down the door at an angle with my executioner mace. And Baamz once again a shit ton of of hobgoblin homemade spears came out flying. Once I was able to get in after the initial barrage I yelled ."Put your arms down for we have your king and no harm will come to him , you are defeated." That diplomatic attempt failed, yet people think I am over the top or barbaric in my method ; well I tried , guess they learned for real that I was quite serious that they were defeated before the fight began especially afterward when my mace/ sword was wearing a goblin costume. After that sullying mess one of the goblins that I pursued upstairs went into a mental break down and tried to reach my feet. I thought it must be a last suicide attempt with another flask , so I backed away, then I thought I am protected from minor flames .Thus I lifted my foot at a distance for him to kiss . Showing that all fight had left him.I did not mind having a servant , even goblin i do not discriminate on race , but rather on certain ideologies.

So as it seemed that the whole tower was cleared with a huge shit room (literally) I thought , this could not be that well guarded for no reasons even if this is the barracks of some sort. I put to use my new pawn "(can t remember his name) Find me where are the shiny or the good stuff" So after shuffling through shit trying to unlock a trap door everyone else soon followed and descended into a room where it would be a perfect opportunity of rest. Since the choke point of any enemies would be limited and easily  picked off. After almost a whole day in that shit hole and bathing done we continued on with my new knave. Going through tunnels and pulling ourselves out of a hole into the forest near Nulb we knew we were about south of the temple so we moved north. Encountered some Ogres that wanted a meal , the cleric thought that they had invited us over to break bread. More like breaking bones ,yet it was their bones and marrows that twisted, curled , and bowed before our onslaught of fiery fireballs, ball busting blows , and medieval brutality on their bitch asses. I swear creatures around are so violent , however evil , they say my Uncle Icelus the first as a death knight is, he sure is more polite and more willing to have tea time and know-how to live than all these living beings around regular non-necropolitic towns. Anyhow when returned to the temple we searched it for 3 days to no avail and teleported / gated back to town to deliver the prisoners to freedom and the king to ready to pick his fate upon his awakening.

The Wombat allowed us rather easy foes this time around and has procured me with a little bit of a following may he see my leadership skills be able to handle more of a crowd to give him praise and honor my family's name .Or even better, to return them to serve them directly or indirectly under the Black Parade , on that fateful day when the damned shall march to reclaim what all mortal life will have to be subjugated under, realistically or metaphorically speaking .. Death Or... Undeath .

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Free City of Greyhawk (stats)

The Free City of Greyhawk
Population: 69,500
GP Limit: 100,000 gp
Assets: 347,500,000 gp
City Guard: 695
Ready Militia: 3,475

Thursday, December 10, 2015

DM Entry: Mistletoe as Divine Focus

The following material has been added to the Aryathan Jiil Classes and Prestige Classes book. The spell has been added to the Aryathan Jiil Libram of Magic IV. 

Also recently, all 4 of the Librams of Magic have been updated to make the formatting the same across all four of those books, and about a dozen or so new spells have been added to book 4. Additionally, a new Index has been made that includes all of the spells from the four Librams, this helps me to know what spells have already been updated, but you may find it useful if you need to know where you found a spell in one of the Librams.

Divine Focus: The default divine focus for a druid or ranger is a sprig of mistletoe or holly. –Player’s Handbook.
Holly and Mistletoe: Sprigs of holly and mistletoe are used by druids as the default divine focus for druid spells. Druids can easily find these plants in wooded areas and then harvest sprigs from them essentially for free. –Player’s Handbook.

Below are some new optional divine foci for druids and rangers, as well as how to harvest them.

Barrowed Mistletoe: Any mistletoe not personally harvested by you. Using barrowed mistletoe as a divine focus for one of your spells reduces the duration to 50% of normal (or -2 to the spell’s save DC for instantaneous or permanent spells), and reduces the range to 75% of normal (or -1 to the spell’s save DC for Touch, Personal, or 0-ft spells). The saving throw penalties (if any) stack.
Greater Mistletoe: Greater mistletoe must be harvested personally on Midsummer’s Eve, cut with a gold or silver sickle or the touchsickle spell, and caught in a golden bowl (worth at least 100 gp) before it touches the ground. Mistletoe that is harvested in any other way is considered normal mistletoe, sometimes referred to as “lesser mistletoe”. Using greater mistletoe as a divine focus for one of your spells increases its duration to 125% of normal (or +1 to the spell’s save DC for instantaneous or permanent spells).
Holly: Using holly as a divine focus for one of your spells reduces the duration to 50% of normal (or -1 to the spell’s save DC for instantaneous or permanent spells), and reduces the range to 75% of normal (or -1 to the spell’s save DC for Touch, Personal, or 0-ft spells), and reduces the area to 75% of normal (or -1 to the spell’s save DC for Effect or Target spells). The saving throw penalties (if any) stack.
Oak Leaves: Using holly as a divine focus for one of your spells reduces the duration to 50% of normal (or -2 to the spell’s save DC for instantaneous or permanent spells), and reduces the range to 50% of normal (or -2 to the spell’s save DC for Touch, Personal, or 0-ft spells), and reduces the area to 50% of normal (or -2 to the spell’s save DC for Effect or Target spells). The saving throw penalties (if any) stack.
Harvesting: A druid’s or ranger’s divine focus cannot be found within a spell component pouch. Rather, you must harvest your own, or barrow someone else’s divine focus. In no circumstance can you use a purchased divine focus to cast a druid or ranger spell. To harvest divine foci, you simple make a normal Survival check to hunt and forage (see the Survival skill description in the Player’s Handbook) and then roll on the table below to determine if you have harvested any and what kind you have found. Every serving of food and water your check indicates also produces an equal amount of divine foci chances. Thus if you rolled a 12, you would sustain 2 people with food and water, and also produce two rolls on the table below, each result representing a single divine focus for a single casting of a spell.
How Many Do I Have For My New Character? Any new character (regardless of the character’s level) may roll 10 times on the table below. Thereafter you must forage for additional divine foci during game play.

Chance of Finding
Divine Focus
Oak Leaves
50% (or -2 to the spell’s save DC for instantaneous or permanent spells)
50% (or -2 to the spell’s save DC for Touch, Personal, or 0-ft spells)
50% (or -2 to the spell’s save DC for Effect or Target spells)
50% (or -1 to the spell’s save DC for instantaneous or permanent spells)
75% (or -1 to the spell’s save DC for Touch, Personal, or 0-ft spells)
75% (or -1 to the spell’s save DC for Effect or Target spells)
Barrowed Mistletoe
50% (or -2 to the spell’s save DC for instantaneous or permanent spells)
75% (or -1 to the spell’s save DC for Touch, Personal, or 0-ft spells)
Greater Mistletoe
125% (or +1 to the spell’s save DC for instantaneous or permanent spells)


Updated from Dragon 164, AD&D 2nd edition.
Level: Druid 2, Ranger 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level
            One of your hands becomes a sickle. It only requires a touch attack to damage a target and strikes as a magic weapon (although it has no enhancement bonus to attack or damage rolls). You may use touchsickle to harvest greater mistletoe as if it were a gold or silver sickle.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Return to the temple of evil ECL 5: Factoteum 1, Duskblade 3 , Warblade 1,Entry#5

   Returning from town having done our shopping with my motley crew accompanied with a new fighter mercenary because of the dangers of the road ahead may yield, we re off to The temple of Evil. Having way overslept on the carriage back to Nulb , we are at the gates of the temple of evil. Greeted by a  big party of hobgoblins to be the welcome comittee right after the gate just awaiting our splendid arrival. Just eager to serve us a most undesired cocktail of death with a minor rain of spears ,disoriented charges along warcry, with the usual swinging of weapons everywhere in disaray , they eventual drink upon their own blood . In reality it may have been their own death they were throwing this party for.

   After a brief waltz with these furry little goblins, we continue to the huge double doors of the cathedral . The cleric proceeds to knock upon expecting a proper welcoming to a ball or perhaps a banquet since the hobgoblin knew how to throw a reception he must of expected some kind of automated etiquettes, even from these beings. Just like I did in a ghost town in Nulb I expected a ghostly drink at a ghostly bar and thus extended my hand out and awaited for a cool juice from the beyond. Sadly ,that poor soul must of lost his manners on the way betwixt life and death cause a drink I did not receive. So I can definitively understand why the cleric knocked on the door; we expect a certain amount of "know how" and respect even from enemies or most unexpected places that ALL life forms/beyond should JUST know.

   Well ,after a rude wait of them not coming to the door we just decided to let ourselves in. Damn little creatures or whatever the hell else was in the temple now I'm getting a little flustered that I had to strain to get that BIG ASS door opened. And it shall soon develop into a crescendo of anger what I initially felt at the door . But wait, inside this luscious blasphemously ornamented cathedral there goes the second round of the committee and this time they brought (let me make a name for it out of nowhere ) a baby Kong !Aka a Dire Ape . Man, I thought this might be a little tougher , they upped their game though in comparison to outside. Well that dance was done with a little more crispy and volley of flying shooting goblins after being hit by our mage's fire ball , wheezing and whoaing every where. The Kong gave us so hard knocks with his good tango but still we endured it and came out as the parties' champions once again.

   Searching around for clues in this desecrated / defecated upon place ,where the goblins seemed to have made it their home , we found nothing of interest halfway through the building. Their were curtains though and so the mage sent out her butterfly to see what was awaiting us behind. More entertainment I assume,treasures, demons with promises, or just more Goblins setting up another show or type of guest dance . Well, after the butterfly HAD confirmed there were other life forms behind it, the kobold on our end went to investigate further. He came running back saying get ready .
Yes, and this time it was the curtain call folks, it was the king and his unholy patriarch court that had set up this bizarre party wanting us to  give him acknowledgement of his warm welcome . He invited us to dance to his fugue I believe .A most bizarre thing it was but indeed this whole journal in general was weird.

   I knew he wanted acknowledgement of his warm welcome committee and wanted us to give thanks and perhaps he would have served us an easier dance to step to . But no, I could not forgive him, not because of the rains of javelins, the slew of subjects he threw against us, not the baby kong bonking me on the head during the Tango, or even his rude ass invisible right hand goblin trying to smack a drink out of my hand drinking uninvited in front of his king. Even he had his reasons.My anger was aimed because these fools did not let us in  when the cleric knocked . Unforgivable! With epic swirling of ice storm ,invisble jokers left and right, the king displaying his double sided blade dance work, cleric reciting shit and my fluid dodges while being angry at the king I finally sundered him.

   I shall drag him along to give us safety to traps, interrogate him, turn him in the authorities for a reward, or even make him our servants until he has learnt all sorts of proper manners . Unlike his fellow servants who all went to see their deity on the other side he shall know no respite of the sort .He was the king and thus should have known better to let his guest in when politely knocked especially after besting his first group of greeters. THAT is WHY he shall not die quite yet.
May the Wombat be pleased and teach this cretin a lesson not only to be a king but from the lowest place all must spawn to become great, he either never knew it or forgot his base roots of humbleness. Always in manners for the Wombat.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Temple of...AHH GHOST!!:Par'Tang Kobold Ranger 4: First

   Some humans person handed Par'Tang a book and told Par'Tang to write anything Par'Tang wanted to. So Par'Tang decide to write Par'Tangs experiences since getting to town. Par'Tang was just minding his own business when some rude humans person grabbed up Par'Tang saying something about how all kobolds should just die. While par'Tang was being tied up another humans person with a shiny badge on his (Par'Tang thinks Male, sometimes Par'Tang not sure) jacket helped save Par'Tang. Several days later and Par'Tang decides to join the shiny badge people. They welcome Par'Tang cause Par'Tang is willing to do anything that allows humans persons to like Par'Tang. Par'Tang wont get into details but Par'Tang spends two moons cleaning and doing the, what Par'Tang refers to as slave labor, while Par'Tang trains to become a shiny badge carrier. And then Par'Tang finally gets his chance and impresses the Big shiny badge man. Par'Tang was really weak when Par'Tang first came to this town of Hommet? Hommell? Hommant? Par'Tang just call Cold town. So Par'Tang is happy when Big shiny badge man think Par'Tang strong enough to do the job. No more cleaning for Par'Tang.

   Several days later Par'Tang finds white shaggy dog all alone in ally. Par'Tang takes pity on the mutt and feeds and cleans the dog up. Par'Tang is only 2 half tall, the dog is a big dog. Par'Tang takes to training the dog like a mount so Par,Tang thinks this is a good idea, maybe Par'tang can keep up with the mounted Badge humans.

   Par'Tang has been walking the streets for a long time now to keep the peace, but its hard, humans persons don't like kobold. A fire happens at some important building, Par'Tang runs over to where its going on and meets up with fellow shiny badge holders. Only to be thrust into this random adventurer party. Par'Tang is not really welcome as they will not let Par'Tang take on any responsibility like night watch. Par'Tang thinks big shiny badge man was wrong to make Par'Tang accompany these adventurers. Soon as they are ready Par'Tang and the rest of them head out. Par'Tang finds out were going to the Temple of Evil -shiver-, just thinking about going there gives Par'Tang chills.

   It's foggy, freezing and snowing when the party leaves. Par'Tang rides trusty war dog, Butt Warmer, and takes point. Night approaches uneventfully after the first 8 hours of riding, Par'Tang's butt is sore. Never has Par'Tang ridden so long. The first night Par'Tang volunteers to take first watch, but they have a creepy thing that doesn't sleep take watch all night. It doesn't do a very good job cause Par'Tang suddenly wakes up with Acid all over his body and his Butt Warmer is critically injured. But Par'Tang pulls through and has a sudden Idea, Maybe Par'Tang can train one of these giant beetle looking things like Par'Tang did Par'Tang's Butt Warmer. No, Par'Tang now knows that was a bad idea and will not put it in Par'Tangs book in-case someone reads it. Many days and nights and Fights Pass, and at some point it stopped snowing and cleared up, by till we get to a town called Nulb (Par'Tang thinks this is a dumb name). It is creepy dark and doesn't get bright in the day, Par'Tang happy that day no longer hurts Par'Tang's eyes. What does Par'Tangs new friends first think is a good idea? They scout inside the town. Par'Tang thinks we should just scout through town, but someone says yolo and enters the 'best looking' building and Par'Tang encounters something that gives Par'Tang quite a fright. Par'Tang goes upstairs and finds things floating and spinning around the room. Then black smokey thing attacks Par'Tang as Par'Tang retreats down the stairs. All of Par'Tangs training means nothing. Par'Tang can't hurt either of these things. Cleric humans person destroys them with his mighty chanting. Par'Tang Finds shiny earrings after fight. Some kind of Discussion takes place and Par'Tang finds Par'Tang's self riding Par'Tang's Butt Warmer through a shimmering portal of scaryness back to Cold Town. Par'Tang is going to stop writing now.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Return to the temple of Bitches : ECL 4 Eladrin 4 Azoquel Entry #1

     It was Waterday, the 25th of Suneebb when I was summoned to join your clan. They were alone... in the darkness, their cleric had gone astray and no healing magic was to be had. Leeless knelt down secretly when no one was looking and prayed to the Gods for a miracle. That's when I got the letter. Someone down in an outer realm needed help... Damn, I thought I could at least make it though this Netflix series before I had to go to work. Nonetheless, I put on my work clothes, a hefty 31 points between my Masterwork studded leather armor, Masterworks greatsword and the very trusty Colt .45, it is a lot to carry, especially for someone who thought they would be spending the day watching Netflix. 
     So, a little about me, it is hard, especially at parties. I am an Intersex Ghale. I don"t sleep, I don't eat. I pretty much get put at guard so the the rest of my team can give me a blasting migraine with their constant snoring and mumbling in their sleep...don't even get me started on the flatulence. I wish to retrace my journeys thus far with them although the memories seem a bit foggy. What a group of simpleton I have landed upon for this time.
     OK so here is how I found myself...Darkness. Really??? Neither of you had a candle or anything? Think people! So there we were in the ass of some God, at the bottom end. Magically you asked to go up the there we were. You ate magical fruit from the God who previously had trapped you in it's ass without question. I have my piece and am still holding onto it, watching if anything suspicious happens to either of you before I partake. 
     After the darkness all I really remember was riding on the back of a cart driven by two horses with one horse following behind. The snow on the ground drew a lot of my attention for the drive and I don't remember much until we arrived at the town of Homlett and the "Welcome Wench" a local tavern and Inn. Here it was we stabled our horses and left the incapacitated ranger within the local stable aside from the inn. W all tried to get Leeless to stay behind but he insisted and we gave in. This was our undoing, the damn fool is unstable or something. Why always with the interrogations or torture? Why can't he understand sometimes you just need to be nice. Gil and Mithyl get it they wanted to leave him in the stable with the mage but nope a tavern was to be has and him with his drinking and all insisted to come with us. That was a mistake.
     So anyway, after talking to the barkeep and trying to talk with the bard we got nothing so after a meal and me sneaking a loaf of bread into my pack we headed for our room. It was a simple room, two beeds, two chests and a chair and table with a window facing toward the snow covered street. After stuffing Gil into one of the chests Leeless and Mithyl went to the beds and me...on watch. I heard them snore and watched them drool, exhausted from our former journey. Some of them said things in their sleep which I wish not to repeat. Then a noise, 
like footsteps approaching...I listened on at the distance no far down the hallway, someone is coming.
     Before I could wake the others they were there at the door, the barkeep we had spoken with who rented us our room and another soul in the hallway, covered by her greatness and grandeur. It didn't start off well but ended in blood and we escaped and they lay dead. After arguing what to do next we stuffed their bodies in the chest, searched the Inn and headed into the cold, we didn't know where the hell we were going because no one had thought to buy a map. These tales I will give you later because we basically walked in a fucking circle. I mean damn it's 27 degrees outside and we are walking in a motherfucking circle because no one bought a fucking map. 
     After discovering our mage and horses were gone we somehow ended up at a flour mill. It was on fire. This was our one lead to the cult which knew about the creepy fruit giving God and they weren't talking. Instead they were involved in the basement in some incantation which we interrupted. After a questionable outcome we slayed them, although I had to drop my Colt in the process, remind me to go back for that if you can. We all made it out alive and they fell... what to happen next? No idea. I do know one thing, write this down or grab a map for soon perhaps that voice which towers in the heavens may soon stop telling you answers or... buy a map. 
     In no particular order...
#4 Welcome Wench Inn
#20 Waynright (wheel shop)
#16 Old town hall 
#8 tailor
#7 weavers
#6 old trading post
#3 church of St. Comfort
# 2 temple of Paylor
#1 temple of Alana
#10 brewery
#19 Telnas kitchen (catering)
#11 teamster (wagon, horses, stabling)
#14 the sage (researcher)
#25 potions and elixers
#15 scroll maker
#24 milk market
#9 stables
#23 shergans earthenware
#5 Tarigans (Inn)
#22 potter

      Excuse me for any misspellings but my common languages are celestial, infernal and draconic. Of course, I understand all when spoken, as I possess tongues, yet my writing is not so great. I hope to see what comes of this journey. Leeless spoke of dragons in his sleep. The future may yet be entertaining.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Return to the temple of evil ECL 4: Factoteum 1, Duskblade 3 ,Entry#4

After a period of rest and befre being teleported upstairs by the big black shaft of Therizdun, the cleric and barbarian dissipated in a cloud of prayer leaving behind a seemingly , like myself factotum goblin and a ghaele of female appearance(planes knowledge). Whatever !  We headed back to town  on our carriage while it snowed in about 8 and a half hours to the inn indicated by the troglodyte that i thoroughly inquisitated.

I was going t play slick and ask the tavern wench that i knew was part of the cult and trying  to join it. She acted like she didn't know what i was talking about and proceeded t serve us food.Along with a little history of the town and Therizden. So we went ahead and rented a room with the party a little shaken up by my abrupt performance. The angel kept watch and woke all of our asses up when the bartender wench tried to attack us. After a quick skirmish i was pissed off at her and prepared for my inquisitional methods that 3/4 were alright with. With a good bit of info squeezed out of her and general consensus that she should be put down for her treason and especial rudeness after spitting on me I back handed her soul to my grand father's army for that disrespect.Extremely pissed after what i would consider a near betrayal for my amicable initial actions towards my inquiry towards her cult i was in a rage. A rage of blood lust wanting to butcher the rest of her cult for making me waste my time at pleasantries and in trying to kill me.  After that we went to bed , after searching the half ass deserted town, b/c it was winter. While I was raging.

The next morning the flour mill was on fire and no one still came in to this inn. Must be known for its ill repute of acolyte or weird shit going on! We rushed over there to see what remaining evidence we could find and found a cellar door. That well... lead us to the rest of the gang including what i assume was the boss with his bodyguard and old grisly looking self. With our angel ally with odd fire technology  and wizard we quickly overtook em. So now would I honor the wombat and our quest's goal by beginning the inquisition on the master to find out more about this cult as well as to what would occur when/how i summon this legendary fiend.

Praise be to the Wombat for the fruit he has come bearing for my anger towards his/my foes. And as to how he delivered them unto my hands so that i may bloody them for his glory and the edification of my knowledge nyaaaahaha.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Return to the temple of elemental evil ECL 4: 1 factoteum 3 duskblade Biography

I am Icelus the 3rd ,23 years into eternity of maroon pigmentation and brownish gold iris. Back home on a faraway land where the undead with minds of their own able to understand and live properly among the living  are a common .I am also known as the scholar of Blight, Passe Partout, or the Baron's prodiger (prodigy).

Since I was made a bastard at early age my Great grandfather decided to take me to the castle in the middle of the necropolis high castle and began my initiation into a great being(since i don't plan to be a mortal man forever ).After many years of studying arcane , weirds, fighting style ,religion ,strategy and the planes under the high councils of my family or friends of they felt that it was time for me to begin the right of Ascendance unto the council/hierarch of my not so gloomy above ground city of the necropolis where both living and undead live in harmony(more or less) .To attain a high rank of undeath (death knight, Lich, Elder vampire) or highly organized monarchy of undeath is considered an honor, Prowess of battle and knowledge; a testament that you've accumulated much desirable battle experience in the eyes of a deity, knowledge from your dome, and lived out many years into the eternity to tell the tales of past ages and to be a patr/matriarch blessing to the younger mortal souls. As well as to boss them around , including the newly undead.

My 3 Generations back, great grandfather Icelus (AKA Baron SaviorSelf) the first succeeded in his adventure of serving Hextor , being his paladin of tyranny and became a death knight as a reward to serve him and to teach others of Hextor's ways as well as the Wombat's. Our personal family God (Wombat) . Through many feats and dastardly extravagant acts of ruthlessness and gentlemen like brutality he earned that nickname of Baron SaviorSelf.

I 've studied under him for years as well as many other patriarch/matriarch of our society. To ultimately become one with eternity and rise to their ranks. But of course to join the council/ high tribunal in our land the adventurer seeking everlasting life/ knowledge of the hereafter must bring back gifts/knowledge/ craft / or sizable army might back to please the council . To be deemed a great discovery / find to add great value to the city or its culture of foreign land. To one day amass enough forces to march onto other territories or even country and realms of existence to spread the gospel of undeath, communism , and THE WOMBAT.

The wombat's stare discern truth, its claws  are mighty to tear through space and time itself for whatever thing/ being it searches for  , its teeth war and domination of all who falls prey to its bite, its fur knowledge of weaving of the everlasting caress of eternity and know when to be diplomatic , its pouch a soft reminder of its warmth to its own or inferno to those who betray it. All of it's enemies face shall be torn off as trophies and put in its pouch to be shown to all of those who dare cross the mighty wombat's decision or path. And reminder that a WOMBAT IS a killing machine .With a soft side for those that subjugate themselves to it. If not, the children of its victim shall be tossed into the blood that drips from his trophies faces' and be ever forgotten in their own ruination and foolishness for not following the wombat or seceding way to his will .I am not nearly as ruthless as the rest of my peers nor do i YET see the need for such brutality on others ,I consider lesser or even enslaving. Unless enemies of course. The last few paragraphs I believe are metaphorical, though my peers tell me to take it all to heart. Trust me I take the Wombat very seriously as I thank him every day for its renewing grace given strength and protecting pouch it has covered on me; it's just that such annihilation is overkill in most cases.

Anyhow my last 2 male family members have failed (father included)while my grandma is still questing and my mother has succeeded, I believe i have some siblings though i have a few half related. Since once on the council all sorts of pleasures are now made legal and made light of since they have forever to fool around. This goes w/o saying that there is death within my blood. A lot of high hopes have been placed from my peers expecting for me to come back with the knowledge of the ages or as/with a destructive force nt seen since Baron SaviorSELF(he cultivates the souls of the deceased family members to either put in his blade or to reawaken them to walk the death parade to invade another place alongside him) or Dracula.

That is why with all the rumors around this place I found myself under the bed searching for a source of great power to unearth either to impart imto me or as a testament to bring back home.Possibly I could even become a death knight prior to coming home or utterly transcended.

Return to the temple of elemental evil ECL 4: 1 factoteum 3 duskblade, entry # 3

After clearing out the cockatrices and clearing most of the dungeon while trying to play Coombaya with a drum and chimes trying to open the obelisk basin , an adventurer who didn't last long enough to remember the name appeared.

He came with us onto the platform where all 5 of us fit until we hit a black shaft pillars into a long dark cavern. The pillar seemed to have drained the half orc trying t walk across it, trying to get onto another life. This new addition very unwise to him and jeopardizing the whole party, jumped over 10 feet onto the lift throwing trustee Grom off the 2nd lift into the dark abyss below. Dammm!!! We all exclaimed a drell came out of nowhere trying to get cuddly with our new clumsy ass addition. We all decided to hurry along the second lift w/o taking much precautions in hope to arrive early enough to save our friend thrown off below. Drastic measures where taken and we let go off the lift with our combined weight on it and trying toi muster or accumulated drained strength halt the rope. Next thing I remember was the sweet melody of the dark where I saw one of my oldest relative Baron SaviorSelf reach his dreaded blighted fingers of the grave from high on top of a spectral steed saying come here and join us on our death parade. Thinking I grabbed his hand instead it was the cleric's who I guess healed me to fighting strength again but with a shit ton of broken things i could feel. Along with a nefarious figure trying to swallow a position of flight  I believe. Well that wasn't happening so I tripped his ass then proceed to knock his ass into the my great relatives death parade.

Seemingly everyone was fine but the new guy who lead us into his dangerous and ridiculous predicament in the first place. I call that poetic justice. And with the clerics rite send buried him .
I don't think great relative will invite him to join the death parade/death march since he would be too clumsy to march to the drummer's beat, you could say that he hops to the beat of his own demise .Hahaha.

Thank the Wombat that he has given me such a competent ally as this cleric to save the day , and that you have not yet abandoned me Oh Great Wombat who keeps me and my ancestor cozy and saint with the fur of protection and pelt of knowledge.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil: ECL 4 Icelus RACE factotum 1, duskblade 1: Entry 2

Well this week nothing much happened except for the last part of this entry.

We slept A LOT We got disturbed A LOT by random outside animals that managed to find their way inside the dungeonous catacomb temple like thing we are investigating. after around 16 hours of rest and many breakfast in the gnolls room we did some exploring . Arguing about 10 mins as to what to do with the makeshift wall that seemed to block a side hallway.  We ventured down to the crypt which I altogether missed and possibly found the other half of the obelisk on a higher level in the subterranean dungeon(assumption).

Some weird never before found or known(even before my multitude of knowledge education I had) markings color coded with ceremonial instruments that i decided to take a hold of for the party. As we were doing this our half O. friend seemed to have become stiff as a stone(yeah that sounds wrong but i mean who else is reading this , right?) right before one of the big ass bugs, that supposedly spit acid, came out f the ground. Quickly knocked the fuck right back down whence it came from. I decided to haul my new acquaintance around and about the place until the cleric could muster up some spell in a safe place to be able to stop and cure him.  I one handedly carried him upstairs to the new area that was well hidden by 1 or two other chambers before it hooked back up to the destroyed moat house where we decided to rest again for the cleric and hopefully for the health of our big friend.

Sadly enough the foolish ranger had killed the troglodyte , which I had a plan to uncover the mysteries within the organization, but not all minds work like mine. yet still kept his fowl stench in the carriage instead of disposing him some where in the ruins or bushes. (sometimes I can't understand lower intelligence) Anyhow after a good rest and the clerics as well as the mage seemingly passing above and before their regular limitations, felt like tackling the wall downstairs. So they did, with much cautious exploration, we fell into a room where  a nest of a most vile creature(s) laid ,the cockatrice! These are just babies it seems but what I wonder is where are daddy and mommy cock and what other fowl beast infest this part of this evil place where it seemed it was purposely sealed off of the rest of the place. (hopefully no higher power will wish to send OP hordes of devilish cockatrices against  us or crazee ass fiends cough cough)May the Wombat protect this flesh and my mind against whatever follies may befall against them. And that i may bring it honor as I slay whatever horrors come against me in the mighty all knowing wombat's name.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil: ECL 4 Icelus RACE factotum 1, duskblade 3: Entry 1

Preparing for a meal after spending many a days down in the subterranean dungeon( for little the party knows of my intentions and love of knowledge/power) looking for treasures and secrets, after being brought out of a bind. I ended under a bed to better analyze the situation after I  started sipping on my fine bottle of my wine whisky Waterloo foreign forgotten realm Vintage 50 years(yeah I drink good stuff) the lights went out and I heard cackling(probably hyena men ) from multiple directions . I took proper cover to not be ambushed w/ proper position and protection. That's when I saw other adventurers seemingly whooping ass w/o much struggle (though it was 3 vs 1 prior to me joining) . I was expecting more hyenas since I found many of them prior to my resting/tactical relocation.

So.. after a quickly interrupted meal a hell hound howled then proceeded to  burst from the north corridor (random as hell / literally) sending the meekly mage cowering in the corner and scattering the supposedly brave ranger amok in a frenzy of fear. I'm like "fuck it's me and the priest  battling this husky warbeast" floating like 5-6feet total in the air. The half orc came in  to help us finish off the beast who was hard to swing at until it seemed to have bit it's own tooth off!( wasn't expecting such fierce hunting hell companion to be so ...sloppy.)When it tried to run we proceeded to bashing it's brains out ,after I fund out it couldn't understand abyssal and thus was useless to my studies /hunting aid from another plane.

Further down the hall the ranger brought 2 new unfriendly acquaintances ,which when the mage returned to her less cowardly senses brought them down quickly, with my mad arcane /lanceship flurry skills  of course. I deemed one of them unnecessary and finished his life off. However (since m also here to learn certain secrets) I convinced my new partners to spare one(troglodite who emitted a very strong stench of whatcha call it"shit". Once again the mage couldn't gut the stench nor the idea of "strongly urging it to respond to our question type of deal. Me and the half orc orc could see eyes to eyes on this one. After a quick inquisition, I mean strong suggestion of answering our questions we learned a few things about the town having  rats/leaders all throughout it as well what they were studying( to later be used to my advantages). We spared the pathetic draconian speaking soul and sent him upstairs to the ranger to be guarded with the parties wagon from what i understand.

Further venturing towards where the hound came from, after just doing a slight review of the obelisk room, we saw a flight of stairs going upwards and a supposed pen/ secret looking room where me and my new ally the half O. went to look into . Well damn thanks to my shoulder leaning skills I dodged the trap but the orc felt the brunch of it. didn't seem to have bothered him too much though looks like a healthy hefty fellow that can take a lota punishment. He IS an orc descent after all, he's bred for battle. After being stuck on the other side of the trap and lifting up the trap through the lever we went down a winding corridor that led us to a room full of doors similar to that of the prior room where the hound interrupted us . so with the mage and the cleric keeping eye on where we came from .Me and the half O.(once again, what do they think I am their slaves because of my darker skin complexion or it's just that I know how to handle D 'Angerous situations?) checked the three doors from afar with our polearms and of course they were all trapped.

After that thanks to the half O. perceptive ablities( a little paradoxical statement huh?) we saw some very unprepared hyiena man that we quickly put down. With very filthy habbits (fleas half eaten stuff adventureres bones, you know like dog... ha ha serves em right). We then proceeded to take a lng rest in that room with the orc and cleric on guard I believe and take shifts until ur spells and energy had recovered. 

Little do they know of my heritage or actually why I came here( aside from the love of knowledge/power as stated above) maybe they can help be useful to attain my ultimate goal , especially that orc not too brainy but he knows what he want more brawl. In essence more power = more people you can obliterate = battle experience that gives treasure and knowledge, rinse and repeat . I'll let him know what s up since he seems to understand what is primordially importan with a little help. However that mage... a little to squeamish for me in means to accomplish things and to handle situations( running away and feeling sickened by the troglodite and not wanting us to interrogate it) , but she is a mage nonetheless. I'll see where this goes after we hot the surface and meet this cults' people in person which i got my methods of doing things with them in my own manner. Mighta hit the bingo depending on what both parties can offer ha ha ha may the Wombat guide me in all i do and in my studies of the universe.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

DM Entry: Improvised Traps

Improvised Traps

Improvised Traps, or booby traps, are makeshift traps that have a Challenge Rating less than 1. Anyone can craft such a trap and the cost and crafting times are much less than those of normal traps.
Craft (trapmaking) Check: When you craft your trap, you make a single Craft (trapmaking) check. The result sets the crafting time, Spot DC, Disable Device DC, Reflex DC (if any), and Attack Bonus (if any). As with any Craft check, you take a -2 penalty if you are using improvised tools (0 gp), a +0 bonus for using artisan’s tools (5 gp), or a +2 circumstance bonus for using masterwork artisan tools (55 gp).
Crafting Time: The time to craft an improvised trap is 1 minute times your Craft (trapmaking) check result. If you choose to build your improvised trap from materials you have on hand around you (see below), add 10 minutes to the total crafting time.
Spot DC: Improvised traps are so simple and cheap that they are easy to spot. Thus, improvised traps have no Search DC and spotting one does not require the trapfinding class ability. The DC to Spot an improvised trap is equal to your Craft (trapmaking) check result. A character with the trapfinding class ability gains a +5 bonus to Spot an improvised trap.
Disable Device DC: Your Craft (trapmaking) check result sets the DC for someone to disable the trap. A character with the trapfinding class ability gains a +5 bonus to disable or bypass an improvised trap.
Reflex Save DC: If your trap requires a Reflex save, the DC is equal to your Craft (trapmaking) check result (or any lower number if you so choose).
Attack Bonus: If the trap makes an attack roll, it has an attack bonus equal to half your Craft (trapmaking) check result (or any lower number if you so choose).
No Reset: All improvised traps have no reset.
Materials: Each improvised trap will define any materials that are required to build the trap. If you accept a -10 penalty to your Craft (trapmaking) check, you can build the trap from materials that are on hand around you without using any gear or supplies you personally possess or own (unless the DM determines that the surroundings are particularly barren).

Example Improvised Traps

Falling Object

You rig a dart, rock, or other object to fall onto a creature passing under its location, such as above a door.
Mechanical; location trigger; melee attack against flat-footed AC (+1 for higher ground); 1d4 points of damage, materials: Falling object.

Noisy Tripwire

You string a piece of wire, section of rope, vine, or leather strap, etc., across some span where you expect a creature to enter. Once the wire is tripped by a Tiny or larger creature, one or more objects fall and make noise. Anyone within 10 feet of the tripwire per noisy object (up to 60 feet) can hear this clearly The Listen DC within this area equals 7 minus 1 per noisy object, up to 6 noisy objects, and sleeping creatures take a -10 penalty. Reduce the distance by 10 feet for each interposing closed door and by 20 feet for each substantial interposing wall. In quiet conditions (such as while your party is sleeping), the noise can be heard faintly as far as three times this distance. The sound lasts for 1 round. Creatures within a silence spell cannot hear the noise. Anyone who knows about the tripwire can bypass it. The crafting time is per 5-foot square in which you set a tripwire. All tripwire squares must be adjacent to either another tripwire square or the noisy-objects square (and the noisy-objects square must be adjacent to at least one tripwire square).

Mechanical; location trigger; melee attack against flat-footed AC; nonmagical audible alarm for 1 round, materials: Five feet of wire (or just about anything that can serve this purpose) per 5–foot square your trap occupies, plus whatever objects that will make noise when dropped and/or broken, such as bottles, metal objects, window panes, chairs, plates, etc.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

DM Entry: Class and Prestige Classes

The document called Aryathan Jiil Classes and Prestige Classes.pdf has gotten a long overdue clean up, correcting the Level Adjustment for many of the monster classes and template classes (most of them were too high).

New features are several new monster classes, such as several beholderkin, abyssal maw, abyssal skulker, vine horror, walking wall, and many others.

Check it out on the google drive.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Fires of Dis: ECL 1 Mithil human wizard 1: Bio

Benai' Evaerist Misthril was raised in a small rural town in Glorium. She is 18 years old, 5'6", 105 lbs, a wisp of a young woman, with curly shoulder length ginger hair which she usually stretches into in a pony tail. She has a haughty demeanor but does not seem cruel. She wears her explorer's outfit as it were a costume or some kind of joke. If she becomes angry and unable to act, she has a habit of twirling her hair around a finger and pulling. The angrier she becomes, the harder she pulls.  The pony tail is a way to avoid this tic.

She was always called Mithil since she can remember and that is the only name she uses. Although her home town was poor, Mithil grew up in relative luxury, raised by an Aunt Ea'vol, the midwife to the village, who taught Mithil some of the arcane arts. Ea'vol, for reasons of her own, taught Mithil and her sister knowledge of the ways of aristocrats and nobility.

When Mithil was eight years old, her older sister Benai' Rael Misthrol was seduced by an illusionist, going by the name of Frale, who was passing through small village. Mithil did not trust the woman and it was obvious neither did her aunt, but Misthrol was in love.

One night, Mithil followed the couple to a barn determined to discover their secret. Mithil learned her sister had been bewitched and arrived just in time to see her handed over to slave traders. To her lasting shame, the eight year old girl did not intervene but hid, trying to understand what was happening.

When she could escape without being caught, Mithil ran to her Aunt who conducted her own investigation. Ea'vol concluded that Misthrol been enslaved and taken to the lower planes by Frale.

Mithil has devoted her life to learning arcane arts and her Aunt has done her best to prepare her if a chance came to rescue Misthrol. When Mithil was 17, the illusionist came back to town. Few could see through the woman's disguise but Mithil knew because the woman's face and voice had haunted her dreams. Mithil followed Frale and, knowing the town and its people, snuck into Frale room at the inn. There she found Frale asleep, drunk, on the bed and her trunk flung open, its contents in disarray.

The item that intrigued Mithil most was something that looked like a pass for travel in the plane of Dis so that the bearer could establish a spice trade franchise for some man named Dermont. A note was attached to the pass and Mithil rushed back to her Aunt to see if she could decipher the note.

The note read, "Daughter, I know that you will use this pass for your own purposes, but the opportunity is real. Dermont will help you establish a spice franchise which will further our families' interests and your own far more than your excursions in the slave trade. You will note that I have destroyed all of your other passes so this is your only chances. Please, daughter, make something of it! Your devoted father."

Mithil returned to her Aunt who whirled into action making a copy of the pass. Mithil questioned Ea'vol but was gruffly rebuffed as the old woman concentrated. Finally, satisfied, she handed the copy back to Mithil, "put this back in her trunk just like you found it. It should pass Frale's inspection but the guards will know." A wicked smile of a kind Mithil had never seen before curled her Aunt's lipls.

"What guards, Aunt?" Mithil asked, but the old woman hurried her on her way. Mithil returned the fake pass and the note and ran back to her Aunt.

They both monitored the inn until they saw Frale leaving in a sulk. Mithil and her Aunt followed the woman, even to Dis, and Ea'vol gave her life to save Mithil. They had only one pass, and had been exceptionally careful, but eventually they were simply ambushed. The old woman fought with a ferocity which shocked Mithil.

After she buried her aunt, Mithil travelled without care looking for some hint of Frale, whom she had lost.. Mithil was asked several times for her pass which she dutifully gave but one night she saw the illusinonist again at an inn. Mithil bribed the innkeeper to call the guards and, just as Ea'vol had predicted, the guards instantly recognized the fake pass.

Mithil and her Aunt had hoped to use this brief moment of vulnerability to leverage information as to hat happened to Misthrol. They had hoped for a chance to get information with a promise to aid the vile Frale into divulging information as to Misthrol's whereabouts.

Neither Mithil or her Aunt realized there would be no delay. Frale was taken away screaming and Mithil had no chance to follow. It now appears that Mithil is trapped in Dis with no clue how to find out if her sister is alive. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

DM Entry: Magnus Arcana (beta 5)

The Magnus Arcana has been updated some more.

Spells from the following sources are included in this latest update:

All Dungeon magazines from the 3.0 and 3.5 era
Diablo 2: Diablerie

Did some other minor updates and formatting.

The Aryathan Jiil Magnus Arcana.pdf has been uploaded to the google drive and is ready to view. You may have to re-download it to get the latest version.

There's not a whole lot of spells left to add, so the next updates may slow down. 
Its been since 2009 when this project was first started and its very close to completion (relatively speaking).

Thursday, June 25, 2015

DM Entry: Magnus Arcana (beta 4)

The Magnus Arcana has been updated some more.

Spells from the following sources are included in this latest update:

All Dragon magazines from the 3.5 era

The Aryathan Jiil Magnus Arcana.pdf has been uploaded to the google drive and is ready to view. You may have to re-download it to get the latest version.

Up next I'll be working on adding spells from Dungeon magazines from the 3.0 and 3.5 era.

The beta 4 release pdf weighs in at 18.2mb
a bulging 913 pages long
index: 19 pages
spell lists: 63 pages
and the full text of the spells occupy most of other pages.

The document stands at 963,030 words and over 4.8 MILLION characters not counting spaces.