Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Shackled City: ECL 9 Korinth the Protector Silverbrow Human Cloistered Cleric 5/ Radiant Servant of Pelor 4: Entry 17

Journal Entry 5245

I feel so alone and cut off.  Never since joining the services of the Shining One have I felt this far away from the divine.  We have followed a fool's errand.  I apparently failed in my noble quest to return the Paladin Alec to the church of St. Cuthbert.  I'm not sure anyone could have succeeded, the odds were just so overwhelming.  And now... Into the Abyss!  I don't know a single patron or clergyman of my esteemed order that has gone into the Abyss!  And our rag-tag group of "would be heroes" have decided to come here in hopes of changing the very planes themselves.  At least that is what we were told we would be doing.  My knowledge of history and the planes suggests that what we were told was not only true, but that our quest is actually possible.  Of course it is this priest's humble opinion that it will take greater power than we possess. 
What foulness with gain in power and prosperity as I divert my energies and beg for spells from anyone willing to grant them, now that I can't actually get in touch with Pelor?  I am afraid.  Not for my life, but for the lives of my comrades.  I am, however, afraid I may never see the holy light of Pelor again.  And what will happen to my soul, should I die in this dreadful place?

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