Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Shackled City: ECL 8 Korinth the Protector Silverbrow Human Cloistered Cleric 5/ Radiant Servant of Pelor 3: Entry 16

Journal Entry 5236

I could have stayed cloistered at the temple and never faced such things as I have recently.  I left, not so much as to adventure as to spread the light of the Shining One to those who have only known darkness.  I believed Pelor's grace could bring healing and salvation to people that have gone without for too long.  Instead I am faced with trials that must show the wrath and might of the Shining One.  Evil entity after evil entity face off against me and my comrades, only to be brought low with more than a little of the power Pelor grants me daily.  What do I get for my efforts?  What message am I given after I stray from the path of my heart (a path of peace and life giving light)?  I am told- BY A MOVANIC DEVA- that I have done well and Pelor is thankful for all I have accomplished.  It was never in my nature to call down the wrath of my deity.  I was not the one to smite.  That was Gaje's way and now he is gone.  Maybe I was wrong this whole time.  Maybe instead of spending all my time with my nose in a book, studying philosophy and history, I should have spent more time talking with Pelor.  I should have spent more time in prayer, waiting for answers and guidance.  This must be my calling, why else would I be so successful?

On another note; keep a close eye on the warlock, his power grows daily and I'm not entirely sure it is for the better.  His ability to raise the dead bodies of our vanquished enemies is impressive, and has proven to be quite useful in some very dangerous situations.  Having explained to me the use of his magic and the temporary nature of his crafted abominations, I don't see any reason to fret.  But there is a gleam in his eye as he does it.  If ever he were to step over that line of utility, to passion for his undead creations I would have to channel all of my divine given power into the destruction of such evil.

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