Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Shackled City: ECL 9 Osiris Eloah Elf Generalist Wizard: Entry 19

As we set up camp to rest for the night in this terrible jungle, I hope to get some much needed rest. Unfortunately, that didn't happen! Forcefully awaken within the first hour by a couple raptors tearing into my flesh was more painful than one could imagine. How they where able to sneak up on us when we had two guards posted I'm not quite sure. We may need to adjust our system. With the quick thinking of the party and our ability to rise to any situation, we managed to dispatch the creatures with some well placed spellfire, eldritch blast, and axe to the face. Thank goodness the cleric was in place to give me some much needed healing or I may have become a faint memory. Still not learning our lesson, we continued to sleep in the same area, and was set upon by a tiger deep into the night. How I survived that encounter was no less than a miracle. After being bitten, raked and clawed, I was "saved" by a "well placed" eldritch blast. The life of an Adventurer! The next morning, as continued trekking through the forest, we where greeted by an angel that needed us to finish off her twisted sisters. Since no one can say no to a lady in distress, we agreed and made our way, following the map, to the entrance to the cave. As we continued on in what felt like a crypt, the Warlock spotted a creature that lead him to a gate that blocked a hill giant! With the help of the dusk blade and sorcerer, the managed to lay the giant low. As we entered the chamber we found a mysterious liquid the several chose to partake off. After breaking down the north door we where greeted by four two headed giants! However, four where no match for the overwhelming dark powers of the warlock. The dead walk is nothing to take lightly! What else awaits us down here?

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