Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Shackled City: ECL 5 Korinth the Protector Silverbrow Human Cloistered Cleric 5: Bio

My name; my new name, is Korinth the Protector.  While the name doesn’t really make sense to me I have learned long ago not to question the high priest.  Korinth is not the name I was given at birth, but the name I was given when I decided to give my life to the church.  I have since learned what the name translates to in common, although I still haven’t figured out its meaning.  Korinth is draconic for “Rage”.

While I had mixed feelings about my destiny I never once showed anger at the loss I had suffered.  In fact I was so elated at the opportunity I was given to study at the temple I wore a smile non-stop for many months.

It was my understanding, according to what I was told by my parents, that I was born in a small village- whose name is neither well known or important to my story- that lay just outside a small but important city housed within a dead volcano.  I worked on my father’s farm until my mother and him walked to the end of their mortal road.  I was seven.  At that time there was much turmoil in the realm.  Darkness was spreading and the people were all afraid of an approaching evil. 

It was prophesied that a major catastrophe was heading our way and due to the evil involved, or powering it, many innocent lives would be lost.  A summons was sent to every corner of the land asking the good people to gather in an attempt to stop the tide of darkness.  With no parents to tell me what to do, no money, and no prospects I decided to go to the gathering.

The gathering was in an area of the country previously un-inhabited.  Rather than trying to deal with the logistics of such a large gathering in the city, the church set up in the wilderness.  Caravans ran to the area non stop for weeks.  People walked and rode animals on a pilgrimage for miles.  I walked.  By myself.  For over fifty miles. 

The gathering was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.  Thousand, tens of thousands, possibly even hundreds of thousands of people had shown up.  No one bothered counting, it was too massive.  Upon my arrival those in charge made it known that we would wait two more days for stragglers then start the ceremony.  I made friends with a few people and managed to talk my way into a couple meals.

Two days later the most powerful and venerated members of the leading church in the city called everyone to attention.  The plan was for all of us to call out in one voice to the powers of good, and plead for deliverance from the coming evil.  The priests and clerics would lead us in prayer.

Once the ceremony began, all commotion stopped and everyone was completely enchanted.  The priests began their prayer, which was more of a chant.  Then the people followed suit and we all said the chant together.  In a few moments we all became one voice.  I could feel the power gathering around us.  Our hope and faith was incredible to behold.  It didn’t take long before something happened.  A beam of light fell from the sky onto the platform where the clerics stood.  At once all praying ceased and we stood in awe as the figure of a great deity descended from above.

St. Cuthbert had answered our prayers and sent his avatar to deliver us from evil.  I saw him with my own eyes.  I heard him speak with my own ears.  And my heart was moved to the truth that was the divine.  It was at that moment that I decided to turn my life over to the church.  Whatever way I could, I was determined to let the church know my intentions to serve them for life.

We never met with whatever atrocity was supposed to befall the region.  St. Cuthbert saved us from evil at that hour.  I had stumbled across a unique opportunity, I made my desires known to a high ranking priest and was given an invitation to the seminary. 

I spent the next nineteen years in service to the temple.  Most of those years were spent in study and research in order to not only further my knowledge but also the general knowledge of the church.  There were occasions when I was tasked with leaving the temple in order to tend to some need in the surrounding villages.  I have a certain knack for healing, and am able to channel the power of the divine to this purpose quite well.  There were a few times I had to go stop the spread of disease or tend to the wounded.  I have even been amongst the soldiers of war, behaving as a combat medic.  This is where I earned the second part of my name.  I was given the name Korinth but my actions in times of need earned me the name The Protector.

After many years of study I came to the conclusion that my choice of deities must lie with Pelor.  I studied all the known deities and reviewed their philosophies, even wrote papers on them and presented my findings and thoughts to my superiors.  I made the decision to devote my life to Pelor once I realized the steadfastness of Pelor and his ideals.  No matter how cloudy it gets, or how long the night seems to last, the sun always rises again.  The sun will shine on forever and Pelor will grant his holy favor to me as long as I serve him.

After nineteen years studying at the temple, I asked for my leave to go out into the world and preach the holy word.  Because of my services to the temple I left with their blessing and journeyed home.  I decided not to return to the home I knew since my parents were gone and I had nothing left there.  I decided I could do more good in the world if I live where there is a greater population.  I went to Cauldron, the city closest to where I grew up.  The city that called the people together in prayer and convinced me to follow a divine path.  The city I must return to and help guide along the path of the light.

As far as how I look: I stand an average five foot five inches tall and weigh a total of one hundred and thirty pounds soaking wet.  I usually wear robes provided by the church, unless I need to travel or adventure in the name of the church.  I have short cut brown hair and brown eyes and I am unremarkable to look upon, and in my opinion easily forgettable.

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