Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Class Tiers: An Evaluation of Relative Class Power

I have been reading and studying this system of class tiers for a couple weeks. This is really interesting and perhaps it can help when you are building a character or selecting your newest class level.

The Class Tier System  link

Why Each Class is in its Tier  link

The Tier System for Prestige Classes  link

So what does this mean for our group? Here is how your current characters line up in relative power to each other:

Jon: Generalist (specialist wizard): Tier 1
Scott: Cleric of Pelor: Tier 1
Dan: Warblade: Tier 3
Theo: Scout/ Rogue: Tier 4/4
Michael: Swashbuckler: Tier 5
Brian Jr: Totemist: Tier ? (incarnum classes are not in the tier system at this time)

"As a rule, parties function best when everyone in the party is within 2 Tiers of each other"

So I think a party is well balanced when everyone is on something like tiers 1,2,3 or 2,3,4 or 3,4,5 or 4,5,6. What we have instead is 1,3,4,5 which may leave some feeling much less powerful than others.

I am not going to suggest we make this a "rule" but its just something for you to consider when making your character: how your class lines up with the rest of the party.

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