Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Shackled City: ECL 5 Holkin the Slayer Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale Dragonborn Totimist 2: Journal Entry 1

After we slept for eight hours, we decided to explore the ruins. As we went further and further into the ruins we find a door. This door was locked, so naturally we have the rouge go and try to unlock the door. When she starts to mess with the door it spins around with razor blades on the other side. She gets stuck in the spinning door. Bleeding everywhere she can't tell us weather or not someone is in the room, because she is in so much pain. After a while I hold the door open and she slips out. I look at the door and close my eyes. As dust particles start to orbit me my blink shirt starts to glow a low, faded blue. As this happens, I'm picturing the room on the other side of the razor-door. Then in the blink of an eye all the dust sucks in like a vacuum and I vanish. When I appear in the room all the dust pushes away from my person and my shirt stops glowing. As I look around the room, I notice a woman standing there with shiny armor and a shiny weapon. As soon as I appear in the room she says "I'll enjoy killing you." So I breathe electric and fire on her but yet she stood there as if she was not taking damage from my breathe. When I do this she gets mad and slashes me with her weapon. And I think to my self "I'm not going to be able to kill her in this small room, so I start to think of the room next to the room I'm in. Dust starts to orbit me and my shirt starts to glow once more. And all of the sudden I'm in the next room. After the door opens the rest of the group go in the room and dominate her. After we defeat her we start walking around again. We come up to this door that seems to be locked as well. So I vanish, and some how I pictured the small lake ,in the front of the ruins, instead of the other side of the door. As I appear over the water I sense something, something big. There seems to be a big dragon fish in the water, with four tails. When I start to slaughter this thing I notice something else in the water, about half the size of me. Then it just vanishes out of my sight. After I kill this big thing it just vanishes out of sight in a cloud of ink. When this happens I think to my self " No one is going to believe me if I told them this."

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