Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Shackled City: ECL 6 Ethel Schmidt Goblin Scout 3 Rogue 2: Journal 5

You know it's gettin really bad when even giant spiders bore ya.  Don't know what we were expectin.  It ain't like they gave any of these lousy wands over to a bunch a bugs for safekeepin.

They made us sleep in here last night.  It's fine I guess.  I wasn't plannin on it tho.  Maybe I'm gettin soft.  I tried to get em to go back to Triel's room.  There was more pillows there.  And a pool.  And a lockin door covered in razor blades.  But I guess they was too tired to walk down the hall.  Elves for you, huh?

Speakin of Triel she was a lot more interestin when she was conscious.  It's a damn shame but I think it'll be easier for me and also everybody else if I just slit her throat now while she's still sleepin.  These folks don't got the guts to go thru with it.

But I sorta want her to be lookin me in the eyes when it happens.

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