Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Shackled City: ECL 5, Osiris Eloah, Elf Wizard, and (Generalist): Journal Entry 11

At long last, we've finally found and soundly defeated Triel. However, I'm shocked to find only one wand of the Church of Saint Cuthbert in her possession. After a short debate the party decided to bring her with us. I prefer to have her where I can keep an eye on her as opposed to her sneaking up on us when we try to get some much needed rest. Strangely, after hearing a loud splash and noticing the disappearance of Holkin, I find him doing battle with a strangle creature just outside the tunnels. Being the only one, naturally, equipped to do battle in the water Holkin managed to slay the horrid beast! Now the next step will be to continue to clear out these underground tunnels. Remembering another saying of my family "May the odds ever be in your favor" I hold on to this in my minds eye and continue to press forward.

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