Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Sunday, October 6, 2013

DM Entry: Crawling Dead (updated)

Below is the updated Crawling Dead, which includes design ideas by Theo and Scott.
It has been removed from the Aryathan Jiil Tome of Monsters III.pdf (as a monster) and added to the Libram of Magic II.pdf (as a spell). Both of those books have been updated on the google drive.

Create Crawling Dead

New Spell
Necromancy [evil]
Level: Cleric 1, Sorcerer 1, Wizard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One zombie or one destroyed zombie
Duration: Permanent until discharged and then Instantaneous; or Instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
            When this spell is discharged, the destroyed zombie corpse reanimates, losing everything below its waist as the crawling corpse drags its upper torso away.
            This spell can be cast on either a zombie or a destroyed zombie.
            When cast on a zombie, it has no immediate effect. However, when the zombie is destroyed it comes back as a new undead creature called a crawling dead (see template below). Using this form of the spell is permanent until discharged. Once it is discharged and creates the crawling dead, it is instantaneous. Thus, create crawling dead could be dispelled on an affected zombie before it creates a crawling dead.
You may also optionally cast this spell on a destroyed zombie to create a new undead creature called a crawling dead. You cannot cast this spell on a crawling dead that has been destroyed. When you cast this spell on a destroyed zombie to create a crawling dead, it is instantaneous and cannot be dispelled.
The undead creature can follow you, or remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific kind of creature) entering the place. It remains animated until it is are destroyed. A destroyed crawling dead cannot be reanimated again (except perhaps by a revive undead spell).
Crawling dead you control by use of this spell contribute to the amount of undead you can control. See the animate dead spell.
A crawling dead can only be created from a mostly intact corpse, although lower extremities are optional since they are lost as part of the casting of create crawling dead.
Crawling Dead template: Apply the following modifications to the zombie when it becomes a crawling dead.
Any zombie used to create a crawling dead loses half of its body (the lower half) and retains only its head, 2 of its forward-most or upper-most limbs, and its upper torso.
Some example crawling dead include:
·       A crawling dead shark would lose everything behind its dorsal fin, crawling around using its fins and teeth.
·       A crawling dead snake would lose the lower half of its body.
·       A crawling dead horse or crawling dead dog would lose its hind legs and the back half of its body, crawling around with its front legs and head.
·       A crawling dead centaur would lose its 4 horse legs and half of its horse-body, crawling around using its arms.
·       A crawling dead girallon would lose 2 legs, 2 arms, and everything below its waist.
·       A crawling dead spider would lose 6 of its 8 legs, and its abdomen, crawling around using its remaining two legs and dragging its thorax.
·       A crawling dead beholder would lose the back half of its sphere-shaped body, crawling around with its eyestalks.
·       A crawling dead eagle would lose its legs and everything below its breast, crawling around using its wings and beak.
·       A crawling dead drider would lose all of its spider legs and its spider-abdomen, crawling around using its arms.
·       A crawling dead xorn would lose all three legs, 1 of its 3 arms, and the lower half of its body, crawling around using its 2 remaining arms.
Size: Reduce its size category by one. Do no adjust the creature according to the table “Changes to Statistics by Size” from the Monster Manual. The crawling dead uses its new size modifier for armor class, attacks, grapple, and Hide checks.
Speed: A crawling dead that did not already have a land speed gains a land speed. The crawling dead can move 5 feet as a move action and can’t run or charge. A crawling dead loses all other forms of movement (if any).
Armor Class: Reduce its natural armor by 1 (minimum +0).
Natural Attacks: A crawling dead loses any attacks that involve parts of its body below its waist (since this portion of the body no longer exists). A crawling dead horse would retain its hooves attack, but a crawling dead anthropomorphic whale would lose its tail slap.
Crawling (Ex): Because of its mutilated condition, the crawling dead must always crawl using only its arms, hands, and perhaps its upper torso and head. It is always considered to be prone and cannot be tripped. A crawling dead has a -4 penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use two-handed weapons. A crawling dead gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a -4 penalty to AC against melee attacks. It is impossible for a crawling dead to stand up.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a crawling dead hits a creature one size larger than itself or smaller with a melee attack, it deals normal damage and may attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required. When a crawling dead gets a hold after an improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This act does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided it can drag the opponent’s weight.
Trip (Ex): A crawling dead that hits with a slam attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the crawling dead.
Abilities: Dex -2.
CR: One-half of the base zombie.
Carrying Capacity: Consider the crawling dead to be a quadruped of its new size category.

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