Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, October 5, 2013

ECL 6, Shoemowetochawcawe (Shoat), Sheild Elf, Swashbuckler 3 / Dungeon Specialist Scout 3: Entry 4

Maybe the holy man is right. We need to hurry. Magic wands or not, we need to get out of these tunnels soon. It's starting to affect us. I've seen this bloodlust take over people before in the arena. It stops being about the fighting, or even about the killing. It is turning into just the need to bash - to unleash. 

Watching a priest, a rogue - hells, even a mage - surround and pulverize a random animal  - and KEEP attacking it long after it was just a stain on the floor.... Yeah... 

I've seen that blood haze fall on too many people before. 

And this room we just just cleared? FOUR archers? in a tiny cramped chamber? Barely enough room to reload their crossbows, and they think they could possibly go against a skirmishing fighting group?

There is a sickness down here. I hope I don't fall prey to it before we can leave.

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