Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

Saturday, October 12, 2013

ECL 6: Fate Norbard human duskblade 6: Journal entry 1

       Looking around at these people that i'm following, I notice no one is wearing the armor that Norril Demoneye was wearing. But then again he could of sold his armor and changed his shape. I've seen someone do that before, in fact his name was Gilk Shimf. He was a Dwarf that could change shape, he was a wanted criminal in my town. The city guard hired me to kill him. He was difficult to find, because he could change into anything he wished to be. LIke the wizard in this group of people. Osiris he calls himself, He might be Norril Demoneye, i'm going to keep a close eye on him.
       No one else in the party seems to be able to change shape like Osiris. He could be changing shape behind everyone's back so that no one knows his true identity. 
       Death shall come creep up behind Norril Demoneye and drag his soul back to hell where it belongs. 

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